
I'm going to be busy these past couple of days so i won't update as much. 


Hi. Sorry to disturb.  Hope this message reaches you. Just finished reading the bodyguard book. It is really awesome. Will you finish the book? Will be so happy to read how it goes and thank you so much for coming up with such a story.


Hi. Sorry to disturb.  Hope this message reaches you. Just finished reading the bodyguard book. It is really awesome. Will you finish the book? Will be so happy to read how it goes and thank you so much for coming up with such a story.


Hey love can you suggest me some awesome taekook books :) 
          The one which you highly recommend?? 


@redinclusions ooo that's a hard question.. I'd say I don't really have a favorite one to say because it all just depends on the mood i am in ykwim? I will say tho I have a folder of all the ones I have read so start there! and maybe you'd find a few you really enjoy:))


When will you continue the bodyguard book??


@kyutekookoo looking forward for the bodyguard book to be complete. Thank you


@Demonslayerfanok123 currently I am in the midst of another story but after this one I have strong hopes I'll be able to rewrite and continue bodyguard! 


Bodyguard is up and running as of right now everybody!! I currently have 4 chapters up already that I wrote this morning and after I'm done eating breakfast I will continue writing until I'm caught up to where I was before!! Thank you sosososoosososososo much for being patient with me and enjoy Bodyguard!


Oh thank goodness I saw this before I messaged you  anyway hope you’re doing well!


Hi I was just wondering if you are going to finish my bodyguard?.♡


@sammy-jade95 thank you for understanding!!


To any reader who is currently or has read my fics i am sad to inform that i am no longer able to access this acc anymore and that this is my new acc. I am currently trying to rewrite all of the fics i have on here to my new one so please be patient with me i am trying my best. Long story short this is my new acc where i already have 2 on-going fics and 1 completed one already you can read while waiting for the ones on here to be published again. Love you all greatly and have an amazing day! - Amor