
Hey guys, I have decided to continue the Drarry fanfic ‘Well that escalated quickly’ but in Draco’s POV! This book is just for the reading and not audio. I recommend listening to the original version on youtube though!


Hey Darling this is @GhostburAndFriend I'm on an alt account that is gonna be my new actual account I will be posting on, I'm just telling some of my followers I really appreciate the most, shhh don't tell- Also I'm trying to promote a book of mine and if you could read it so far I would appreciate it very much, Thank you. ❤︎


np sweetheart <3


Can you guys make sure @Aidanscumslut is okay? Send they/them love please. They are not in the best mental state right now and I think they need some motivation.


@1-800-BitchShutUp  I haven't heard from them so I'm kind of worried.


Who are the 18 friends you can't forget in your life? 
          Message this to those 18 just like I did
          Let's see how many messages you get back! Start sending, be honest, only 18!
          Today is world promise day...
          I promise that I won't forget you in life...
          Send this to all your friends whom you won't forget in your whole life


Im going to be honest with youI don’t have many friends.


This is my response for Lentotally grooming a child.
          I’m not taking anybody’s side. I’m saying it’s both you and the victims fault for doing this. I feel bad for Len, he had been manipulated to doing a dirty role play, but the reason it’s partly his fault is that he should’ve noticed what he was doing was wrong and should have stopped. But i guess he lost control and had this sexual desire, then probably manipulated the girl into sending him pictures and videos of her touching herself in a sexual way. I also say it is the girls fault because she shouldn’t have been flirting with a 20-year old guy when she knew it was wrong! She manipulated Len into doing some sexual activity, she had the chance to say simply “No” to Len when he asked her for pictures, but she sent them anyway. All i’m trying to say is be aware if what you’re on the internet, because Even the most nicest and kind people can do horrible things. It’s not our place to forgive him or not, it’s the victims choice. A lot of people say he was suspicious from the start because he was in contact with minors before (Garby, suki, etc...) but that’s because majority of the gacha community are minors. I personally forgive him because that’s what God wants us to do, we have to pray for him that he will not make this mistake again and that he will change. Allen we trusted you but you have done something that you know you shouldn’t have, it’s going to take a while for you to gain the community’s trust again. I hope you do go to jail for what you have done, and I am glad you have taken responsibility for what you have done. We love you Allen, tell us what happens or when you come back. 


@1-800-AidansSlut Lentotally that gacha persoN?


@Aidanscumslut thanks for the profile :]


@1-800-AidansSlut okay ill pm u when its done :)