Guys I’m gonna take a break off WP for a while 
          Because of my Exams.
          My Exams start at 15 of 5 wish me luck.
          I’ll probably be back before the end of the month


@LIA13Me mine start on Wednesday ☠️


I AM CONVINCED my sister is absolutely PERFECT! 
          Me and her are twins. 
          she has light brown hair that is almost blonde hazel eyes and white skin
          WHILE I have dark dark brown hair that is almost black, almost black eyes (Same color as my hair) and tan skin
          She is wayyyyy smarter than me she always got first place in class 
          I was always the second place but when I started middle school I don’t know what the Fauk happened to me 
          My parents never Scold her
          But when I want to open up to her about my insecurities she goes like “Well our parents love you more”
          Are you blind


@LIA13Me Exactly! Every time my mom always calls me, she calls my name but not my sister’s
            Like once she was supposed to bring the garbage downstairs, but she never did and ignored it. I had broomed, wash dishes, cleaned the mirrors and windows and yet she still didn’t vacuum or bring the garbage downstairs.
            My mom yelled at me to bring it down


@Again_Its_Adler why are all the siblings like this?
            My mom calls me to help her when I’m already doing smth 
            While my sister is on her phone doing nothing 


@LIA13Me not really, right after I help her (cuz I get angry real fast) and I yell at her. she says, ‘you’re such a bully, you don’t care about anyone but yourself’ and she says I never help her
            But I usually do all the work, and I say that a lot
            She’s just a free-loader. One time we were partnered up in school and she did none of the work (well she did but she did it really bad)
            I had to write 6 paragraphs by myself, including notes