
Hey guys, hope you are all okay. This Covid-19 is effecting so many people. I just wanted to say stay safe and don’t forget to take a few moments to write and read for the sake of your sanity. ❤️❤️


Hey guys, hope you are all okay. This Covid-19 is effecting so many people. I just wanted to say stay safe and don’t forget to take a few moments to write and read for the sake of your sanity. ❤️❤️


Hey guys how would you feel if I published like an anthology of short stories on here? I’ve got some that I’ve written at school and nothing to do with them haha


@Imactuallyadustblob I have the Oakley Anthology published. They aren’t that great but you can check it out if you want 


@LJO1604 Very late reply, but yes, do itttt