
I am sorry that I haven't updated you on my recent book, Our love is too black and white, I have just finished my A level exams and so everything in my life is kind of preventing me from continuing the book. I am thankful for both positive and negative criticisms on my book, even great authors such as Oscar Wilde have been criticised for their works. But I will be continuing with the book ASAP. As soon as everything slows down and I get my crap together, the novel shall continue. 
          	Thank you for voting and reading.


@LaVintage  cab you please update are love is to black and white


I am sorry that I haven't updated you on my recent book, Our love is too black and white, I have just finished my A level exams and so everything in my life is kind of preventing me from continuing the book. I am thankful for both positive and negative criticisms on my book, even great authors such as Oscar Wilde have been criticised for their works. But I will be continuing with the book ASAP. As soon as everything slows down and I get my crap together, the novel shall continue. 
          Thank you for voting and reading.


@LaVintage  cab you please update are love is to black and white


updated Our love is too Black and White with the first part of chapter 4, after 5 votes and a few comments I shall post up the second part to end the chapter. Sorry for the shortness and sorry for the delay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!