
As an aspiring author, the one thing I think we l dread besides writer's block, is the terrifying realization that someone else has the same idea as you...and manages to get it out to the world before yours. That being said, I'm afraid I'll have to scrap "Cold Dishes", as I've just witnessed to my horror, there's already an anime series talking about the same premise. Lo and behold, perhaps it's for the best, as I've way too many ideas in my head at the moment and dont have the time to get to all of them.


As an aspiring author, the one thing I think we l dread besides writer's block, is the terrifying realization that someone else has the same idea as you...and manages to get it out to the world before yours. That being said, I'm afraid I'll have to scrap "Cold Dishes", as I've just witnessed to my horror, there's already an anime series talking about the same premise. Lo and behold, perhaps it's for the best, as I've way too many ideas in my head at the moment and dont have the time to get to all of them.


With my two month long flu now gone, I can finally say I'm back in action! :D I am officially taking a break away from writing Batman for a while and have now placed my focus on creating my own stories (don't get me wrong, fanfic is amazing and all, but it's time to stretch my wings and create from scratch!). Ladies and gentleman, I am now proud to announce "Cold Dishes" is now open for business and reading!


Health and Life update:
          Well, it has been a long time since I've spoken with all of you, hasn't it? To be honest, I haven't been able to do much writing this entire time either, let alone muster the power to get back to my DA family. Truthfully, the holidays have always been one of the most busiest times for me, but this year has been particularly hard on account of my sudden health issues. It's come to my attention that I have been battling my illness for two whole months, when in the beginning of October, I was fine. I have visited my doctors, wondered if it was Covid and have been getting my bedrest as ordered...yet I still have some fighting left to do (which isn't new to this little Time Lordess). Fortunately I didn't have Covid, but I do have some eerie form of the Autumn flu. I've relapsed twice while recovering, both times nothing too serious and have been coughing up some clear mucus, which is fine and good for my chest. I have no fever, nor aches and pains, saved for the pain in my ass over all this coughing.


I...I did it! I actually managed to finish the second installment of Batman!! :D I'm so proud of myself! After months of blockage and doubting whether or not I was any good enough to be an author, I've finished and can now move on to the third book!!! Thank you everyone who's ever viewed my work and took the time to read all those words!!


Hey everyone. I'm not doing too well nowadays. Things in my life have kind of taken a turn for the confusing and frustrating. I know I don't upload nearly as much as I should and I have so many ideas, but my writer's block truly is starting to feel like I'm fighting against a brick wall...and I'm not winning. One moment I know what to write and the next, the ideas don't sound as good as I thought they originally did. I spend days formulating how I want the next scene to go, only for me to finally pick up my laptop and become stuck all over again! 
          Does this happen to anyone else? How can I break this cycle, as well as find the energy to work at all through this exhausting summer heat?! I'm lacking motivation and power to damn near do anything and I hate it. I want to be an author...but I'm struggling so hard. I don't know when I'll be back with another installment, but I'll do my utmost best to at least chip away at the story little by little until the entire dream finally falls together.


It's been quite a long time since I've uploaded any new segments. I know you know I'm a slow worker, but finally after weeks to a month of working on so many other projects and traveling, I'm getting back into writing! :D It's been long enough and I don't want to lose my interest, or passion for the written arts. I'll be heading straight for my folders right now and getting back to work!


HAPPY NEW YEAR MY DEARS!!:D Yes I know, it's been a long while since I've uploaded anything here and no, I don't have any excuses whatsoever to give you. I'm a slow worker and I like to make sure I'm pleased with what I write before just vomiting it out to the internet. I'd like for 2023 to be different. This time around I want to write often and try to get things out to all as efficiently as possible (of course I'd want to make sure both you and I enjoy it). A new year means a fresh start and hopefully more inspiration for more stories!