
Don't read this if you haven't seen this part of Ephemeral or if you don't want spoilers. 
          	But THEY DID AGAIN! First Oblivio, then Chat Blanc, now this! LITERALLY, I'm DYING!


BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD!!!! Once you're given this award, paste it on 8 other conversations of amazing people like you! If you break the chain, nothing will happen. It's just nice to know someone thinks you're miraculously beautiful!!


I love your new book "Broken Hearted" btw!! Just want to share, keep it up!! I'll check out your other stories soon, because my plate is full right now…btw are you a Hamilfan too?? 


@_sapiro_ You're welcome❣️


@LadynoirLover2005 AHHH omggg!! Tysssmmm imma check them out when it's morning here TYSM u r the bestttt ❤️