
Update on Many years, same evil: First few chapters are re-done and finished! Therefore posted and readable again :) 
          	The rest is coming soon! 
          	Have a nice day


Today, on the 7th of May, I released the fifth chapter of my historical fiction novel: Many years, same evil, as a way to celebrate the end of the war in Czechia (this day is the official surrender, some German forces were fighting till the 9th of May). This day is one of the May Czech uprisings, the worst day for Czech resistance. In order to gain control of Prague's transportation network, the Germans launched their strongest attack of the uprising. Waffen-SS and artillery units arriving in Prague gradually punched through the barricades with several tank attacks. Intense fighting was accompanied by the SS use of Czech civilians as human shields...
          But despite all this, they did not give up and repelled the enemy attack. Why am I telling you this? So you remember that even in dark times, much darker then those we are in right now, there is still hope. After every rain, comes the sun. 
          Stay safe.  
          If you want to learn more:
          Barricades: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prague_uprising#/media/File:Prague_uprising_barricades,_May_1945.jpg
          The US forces:
          Soviet Marshal Konev in Prague: