
HUGE THANK YOU to the people reading my Crimson Peak story, "Monstrous Love"!!! It just reached 200 votes!
          	I really want to participate in the ONC this year, and of course my entry will be fanfiction of some kind. Anything/anyone in particular you guys want to read about in more stories?? ❤


Thank you for adding 'Creciente' to your reading list! Deeply appreciated and I hope you'll enjoy it :D Best of luck with the ONC ❣️


@MelancholyMallow My pleasure! And can I just say: your profile picture is the cutest stinkin' thing I've ever seen! ❤


HUGE THANK YOU to the people reading my Crimson Peak story, "Monstrous Love"!!! It just reached 200 votes!
          I really want to participate in the ONC this year, and of course my entry will be fanfiction of some kind. Anything/anyone in particular you guys want to read about in more stories?? ❤


Two chapters in one day?! What? Yes! Chapters 10 and 11 of "Monstrous Love" are available to read!
          In chapter 11 I tried my hand at a love scene (not something I usually write). Hope it's okay!! (For my young readers, it's fade to black, so no worries.)
          Thank you all for your continued interest in the love triangle of Thomas, Lucille, and Edith. ❤


Finally!! An update to "Monstrous Love"!! Chapter Nine is now up, and I'm currently working on chapter 10. So sorry for the long wait, guys!
          Huge thank you to those that have read it thus far! ♡


So...this may be unpopular, but I won't be updating my fanfiction pieces for a little while longer. I'm going to be participating in ONC on my main account, and I've spread myself a little too thin.
          For those of you reading my fanfiction, THANK YOU!!! You're amazing! ❤❤❤


Hiya, just dropping by to say hello :)
          How have you been doing?