Hello there, Dear Writer! ☺️
          Ahmm... Honestly, I'm battling with my self whether to message you or not but then I just let my inner self won, so here I am trying to form my thoughts of what I'm going to say, haha. In fact, this is my first time trying to reach out a writer in wattpad so please do excuse my shy and nervous self here, hehe . Ahmm... what I'm going to say is that I really APPRECIATE your books. And I loved it, I really do. I can't say your books are perfect but I am very amazed of how deep your imaginations are. I know as well that it's not easy to write a novel, particularly a historical one. And I can feel and see that you loved these books of yours considering the effort, love, and joy you put into completing your books. Also, aside from appreciating your books, I want to say THANK YOU! Thank you for making such a wonderful novel. Thank you for sharing these thoughts you have. Thank you for giving me inspiration through your books because I've encountered some life lessons when reading it. Really, really thank you!
          Ain't doing this merely to catch your attention, Dear Writer. I just wanna send you my sincere thanks and deep appreciations! I am glad I was given an opportunity to found and read your books in here. I'm glad too to be one of your supporters, a silent one rather. But worry not as I'll always be there to support you, be it today, tomorrow, or in the future!
          That is all I want to say! Lovelots!!!
          I bid you well health and more power!
          Looking forward to your next novel, mwah!!!
          ~Yong Min 


@Lee02V You are very welcome Dear Writer Lee! I'm excited for your upcoming novel hehe. Stay safe. FIGHTING! 


Yong Min*****


Hello Ying Min! Thank you so much for your support I really appreciate it. Even if you are a silent supporter, your impact is still big, huge in fact. It assures me that out there, there are still people waiting and that is what helps me to carry on with the next events. 
            The next novel is still in works, haha. 
            ~ Lee 