
I would appreciate it if you would not spam your books or writings on my messages. Please be courteous! All spam will be ignored and deleted.


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Hi , I love like really really loved your Daryl Fic Faded Scars . 
          Do you think you'll finish it sometime ? Its fucking great book and it was getting so much  better but the last update was 4 years ago , hope you're doing fine in real life and that there's nothing holding you back from coming back to keep writing  .


I’m hoping to get back into it soon! College has been kicking my butt. But I’m glad your enjoying it, that update should be on its way!


مرحباً أنا من فلسطين عمري 16 سنة، أنا بعشق الكتابة والقراءة انضميت للواتباد اليوم وبتمنى تتابعوني وتعجبكم قصصي وتتفاعلوا معها 
          مع العلم انا بكتب روايات بس ما بقدر اكتبها هون لانها بتاخذ مني مجهود كتير ف رح اكتبلكم قصص متنوعة وبتمنى تنال