
          	Hello dear friends, I hope this message finds you well! I want to start by saying how sorry I am for my absence lately. I know how much you've been looking forward to new content from me, and I'm deeply grateful for your loyalty and support.
          	The truth is, I've been going through a tough time. As a student in my final year, I've been drowning in a sea of assignments, projects, and exams. It's been a constant struggle to keep my head above water, and unfortunately, my writing has had to take a backseat.
          	But I want you to know that I'm not giving up! I'm fighting to get back on track, and I'm excited to announce that I'm finally back in the saddle, ready to share my heart and soul with you once again.
          	Please bear with me as I get back into the swing of things. Your patience and understanding mean the world to me. And to show my appreciation, I promise to bring you my absolute best work from now on.
          	Thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin. I love you all, and I'm honored to have you as part of my community. Happy Sunday, and let's make this week count!


Heyy dear writer,
          I have read your book "The Bet" and had to reach out. I am absolutely in love with your writing style and how your book has the ability to suck your readers into a world that makes reality fade away for a few moments. I'm reaching out from an editing agency named The Script Surgeons, regarding your book.
           We specialize in editing and would love to discuss how we can assist in refining your work. Our team offers tailored editing services to enhance your manuscript's quality and appeal. 
           Are you open to a conversation about this?
          You can contact us on instagram on @yashica_xx or via email on scriptsurgeons69@gmail.com
          Editing team.


          Hello dear friends, I hope this message finds you well! I want to start by saying how sorry I am for my absence lately. I know how much you've been looking forward to new content from me, and I'm deeply grateful for your loyalty and support.
          The truth is, I've been going through a tough time. As a student in my final year, I've been drowning in a sea of assignments, projects, and exams. It's been a constant struggle to keep my head above water, and unfortunately, my writing has had to take a backseat.
          But I want you to know that I'm not giving up! I'm fighting to get back on track, and I'm excited to announce that I'm finally back in the saddle, ready to share my heart and soul with you once again.
          Please bear with me as I get back into the swing of things. Your patience and understanding mean the world to me. And to show my appreciation, I promise to bring you my absolute best work from now on.
          Thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin. I love you all, and I'm honored to have you as part of my community. Happy Sunday, and let's make this week count!


Sorry for plugging in. Check out my book. It's my first book and I want people to see my work. 
          If you're looking for:
          Bad boy love good girl
          High school sweethearts
          It's all in this book. I wouldn't wanna miss out if I were you!!!! 


Hello y'all I do hope y'all are doing well? So story lovers i will finally be uploading my first ever high school story and still working on it I do hope y'all can leave a like vote, review after reading I will truly appreciate that. And I will continue posting on my other story THE BET. Sorry I haven't been uploading of late I am extremely chocked with school work but I am back now not fully back but I am back. 
           Thanks alot I'm Advance and don't forget I love y'all 


Hiii!How are you?I hope fine!
          I'm sorry for bothering you, but do you have time to check out my stories? 
          my biggest dream is to become a great author one day!
          If you are interested, here it is.
          I follow back too for help you because I know it's not easy to be a writer ;)
