This profile has been sponsored by LeoKenEvil.

Hey what's up?

It has occured to me that I never properly introduced myself, so here I go. Mello, I'm Leo, and this is my Wattpad profile. I was born August so I'm a lion, year of the snake, ENFP, proud Irish man, House Lannister, all of that good stuff. I have been drawing since I was 9 years old and started writing when I was 17 years old. And soon, I want to make it that it's what I'll be doing all day. Every fucking day.

A rapid fire fact about me, I'm extroverted as fuck, and this is good for all the friends I've got in close proximity since I can just kidnap them whenever I'd like to if I'm feeling up for it.

Usually I find myself working better when I'm having social interactions with many of my friends online, but that barely works out a lot because a very large amount of them live over in America and I'm over here in Northern Ireland which means, odds are, I'm not gonna get much done that day. This is only made worse by the fact that I may or may not have ADHD. (I'm currently wondering whether or not I actually have it)

Currently I'm mainly writing here on Wattpad, but I also do digital MHA fanart, particularly for my stories here, and I also have a Youtube Channel were I upload speed paints of those works, but I'm contemplating about expanding the content I'm making, such as story time videos where I talk about many different bits about my life or whatever.

So yeah, that's about as much as I'd like to share about myself so far. Don't expect reveals from me, only dick pics. ;P




  • Northern Ireland
  • انضمNovember 28, 2018

الرسالة الأخيرة
LeoKenEvil LeoKenEvil Jul 15, 2024 05:38PM
The re-write for Chapter 3 for DG is officially out now everybody!
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم LeoKenEvil
'Dragon's Grudge' بقلم LeoKenEvil
'Dragon's Grudge'
It...It almost feels like a dream. The heroes and sidekicks who are gathered in this hall alongside me are no...
'The Killing Blow' بقلم LeoKenEvil
'The Killing Blow'
"Life just isn't fair, not all men are created equal, blah blah blah, I've heard these phrases used so m...
1 قائمة قراءة