
          	I do plan to continue my stories and have written a few chapters that need to be looked over and  finely tuned before I update, which I will be doing in the next week or so. 2021 was a rough year filled with loss and heartache for me and my family which makes doing anything difficult, especially escaping into my writing, the creativity just wasn't flowing for me and i found that what i was writingi wasn'thappy with or didn'tflow with the stories, the tone was just off. With that being said everyday gets better and easier. Slowly the stories and words are starting to flow and feel right. I'm sorry it's been so long and I'm working on getting on track. As always thank you for reading.


          I do plan to continue my stories and have written a few chapters that need to be looked over and  finely tuned before I update, which I will be doing in the next week or so. 2021 was a rough year filled with loss and heartache for me and my family which makes doing anything difficult, especially escaping into my writing, the creativity just wasn't flowing for me and i found that what i was writingi wasn'thappy with or didn'tflow with the stories, the tone was just off. With that being said everyday gets better and easier. Slowly the stories and words are starting to flow and feel right. I'm sorry it's been so long and I'm working on getting on track. As always thank you for reading.


Hello, hello,
          First off I want to apologize to all my followers and those that read my books. I know its been nearly a year since I last posted anything and it sucks when a story is left hanging, but I unfortunately have had a not so great year.
          I've lost two dearly loved Uncles and even a couple of friends to this horrible virus plaguing the world and my mother has had on going problems with her heart, which has put us all on edge. Its hard to get in the mindset to write when all you feel is grief and sadness bogging you down.
          I have gotten some writing done, just not as much as I was hoping to accomplish this year but I do plan on continuing all my stories and will get them posted hopefully soon.
          Again I'm sorry for the long wait and I do appreciate each and every one of you. As always thanks for reading and following. 


i just saw this but i’m so sorry for ur losses. hoping ur mother starts feeling better!! take ur time, we’ll always be waiting for ur updates


Hello, Hello
          I know it's been a minute since I've updated, it's been hard finding time with everything going on in the world and adjusting to the new school schedule for my son. But I finally (I know) got the next chapter done (Whoop Whoop) and I've already started writing the next chapter, shooting to have that done and posted by Thanksgiving (I know that's entirely to optimistic of me) but I'm going to try. Stilling working out the plot lines and dialogue for TCB and MTTBA, I have got some done but I don't want to post until I have it all updated and ready with a new chapter. Slowly but surely they will get done. Stay safe, make good choices and as always thank you for reading and being patience with me.


@Leota27 looking forward to it!


Hello, Hello
          I have updated Indebted to Marco. This chapter is a little over a nine thousand words and is from Marco's POV. Yay! It took longer then anticipated, I wanted to get his personality and inner thoughts right. I'm still working on updating TCB and MTTBA, with school being out I have less time to write since my son takes it as a personal offense when I decide to get some writing done. But I am working on them, slowly but surely. Stay safe and as always thanks for you patience and for reading.


Hello, Hello
          Updated Indebted to Marco. This turned out to be an extra long chapter (not that you guys will mind) I had debated on whether or not to seperate into two chapter but decided against it. I hope you like it.  I'm already working on the next chapter, it will be Marco's POV again, hoping to get it finished up in the next week or two I'll do my best. I'm also nearly done with a few revised chapters of The Covington Boys and MTTBA, hoping to get those up soon too. With everything going on in the world I hope your all staying safe. As always thanks for your patience and for reading.


          Finally updated, I know it was longer then I wanted. But I finally got it written out and how I wanted it. Working on updating a few Covington Boy's chapters and MTTBA. As always thank you for your patience and for reading.


Updated Indebted to Marco, working on the next chapter. Hoping to have it done and posted a lot sooner then this last chapter. Still working on my revisions for The Covington boys and I have updated a few chapters. Also working on my revisions for Mated to the Blood Alpha, hoping to start updating those chapters soon. As always thanking for reading. 