
Hello all! Just a note that I'll be taking down My Werewolf Chronicle book for a bit for some editing. Not right away but if you are reading it let me know so I can hold off pulling it for a bit!!  I know I've been away for awhile but life has been horribly busy!! After reading some of my books I've decided that I'm going to do some hardcore editing and work on the others I have as well. Life finally slowed a bit so I have so much more time!!


Hello all! Just a note that I'll be taking down My Werewolf Chronicle book for a bit for some editing. Not right away but if you are reading it let me know so I can hold off pulling it for a bit!!  I know I've been away for awhile but life has been horribly busy!! After reading some of my books I've decided that I'm going to do some hardcore editing and work on the others I have as well. Life finally slowed a bit so I have so much more time!!


Hi everyone!! I'm currently hitting a writers block! I'm trying to just plow through it and I just keep writing daily (at least a little bit each day) to get the creative juices flowing again. Anyone hit this wall too? Let me know what you did to overcome this horrid obstacle!


I'll be going through my books this week and starting a TON of editing!! I'll also be posting more chapters to the The Werewolf Chronicles. I've been working on another book as well so the updates should start flowing once again!


Time to finish some projects I've been neglecting.... work has been crazy. Had some major life changes... sometimes it seems that life just doesn't want to give a little and it keeps kind of pressing you down at times. Lately it's been pressing down pretty hard.


Sorry I've been AWOL.  Work picked up and my oldest daughter graduated high school!! Woot !!! So proud of her!!!  Now to push her into college or getting a job .... lol  I have some new chapters to post soon and I'm so excited to see one of my book in the top 500 for Paranormal!!!  This was just a side hobby for me because I love writing and my imagination has always ran wild. I appreciate everyone that reads my stuff and I hope I can continue to keep churning out more things!!  
          Thanks all!!!


I know I haven't been on lately and I'm sorry for the slow updates. My oldest daughter is graduating high school!!!  I'm so excited and have been planning her party plus I just started back to work so this week had been super hectic.
          I was suppose to start out slow but I kind of got thrown in due to someone going out of work so I doubled my hours lol.
          For all of you that have been reading and for my new followers thank you!!!  I hope you enjoy my stories and I'll be updating soon!!!


Hey all, just had surgery on my wrist (silly carpal tunnel) so updates may slow down a bit.  Figures I when can't write my writers block clears LOL!!! I'm still jotting down ideas so as soon as my cast is off the writing will commence!!


If any of my stories look odd when reading.... for some odd reason Wattpad's new platform is messing with my copy/paste function (because I'm super lazy and write everything on Word when I go into odd bipolar manic phases and I type like a silly idiot going ninety miles an hour down a super steep hill ....)  So if it looks weird I apologize and I haven't quite gotten around to editing my stuff on here yet .... Happy Reading!! Toodles!