
IM SORRY FOR NOT POSTING OR UPDATING!! life has been super duper busy for a very long time and my passion for writing unfortunately dwindled but i’m really trying to get it back and try to update and start new projects!! please let me know what i should start next like a new story or even what i should update!!


IM SORRY FOR NOT POSTING OR UPDATING!! life has been super duper busy for a very long time and my passion for writing unfortunately dwindled but i’m really trying to get it back and try to update and start new projects!! please let me know what i should start next like a new story or even what i should update!!


Short and Simple all Rhea stuff is going bye bye so say your goodbyes. I’m repurposing my Flower book but everything else is going away for a while do to the lack of interest in the story concept. Though everything is going away and it’s all just poof poof. This woman has done a lot for me but now yk pain 


yes it is i’m so sorry! I’m redoing the book for a different person so if you have any suggestions for who it should be that would be greatly appreciated 


Damn I really likes the flower book? Is this one where rhea and the reader were little and they dated and everything??? I really liked the other two rhea books too 