
Hi, everyone. Just posted Chapter Three.


@LiamMTaylor thanks for your support and advice :-) As such, I've taken the decision to remove Eutopia from Wattpad and have dived straight into the scary depths of self-publishing on Amazon Kindle!! Good luck and best wishes with your work. Keep writing, you're amazing, truly! Xx


Thank you! That's very kind :)
          Yes, I am on social media and have a website. There's a small 'house' icon on my profile page you can click and that will take you straight there, or just copy and paste the link below. Hope you have a nice day :)


Thanks for the follow! May I ask on whose profile did you find me? And am even greater question, have you actually attempted to read one of the messes I try to pass as literary accomplishments? 


Hi! I saw you in the Science Fiction Club through this website.
            No, I haven't read any of your works so far. Things have been pretty hectic this last week, but I'll check them out as soon as I can. I'm sure they're not as bad as you think they are! :)


Hola! I just wanted to drop by and say thanks for following me! I hope you enjoy my books and if you get confused at one point just ask and I'll give you the best answer to straighten out your thoughts! Anyway hope you have a very gory day!