do you two want to be in a book I'm making with my friend Anyely and me and her need more sisters I will put you guys in later and tell me your details like age


I don't mind that she can join if she wants to


@luz_lynch_bitch also my gf might try to join so be careful she on dis accounts 


Hi, it's me KellytheFandomLover. So I have something I want to ask you, do you want to be a part of my next chapter you could be a old friend of Mao Mao and finally get to Meet Senshi. So if you wanna be in chapter 10, just let me know


@KellytheFandomLover she is the one senshi met in my drawing the one where she's not in space black and blue hair with antennas she can be any age 4-11 the one with the purple outfit is the youngest the one with the beanie is the oldest