
I apologize for my slow updates but health issues + insurance and medication problems have kept me a bit too sick to write. I’m trying my best though and I’m sure I’ll be back soon. 


I stumbled across your profile by searching for Seth MacFarlane stories. I was just wondering if you're still active at all? I read Weakened and I am honestly hooked! I absolutely love it! It's got everything and is right up my alley! Whether you are still active on here or not, you definitely have another follower! Thank you for writing such a gem of a story! I hope you come back soon if you can!


I’ve spent the last few days in the hospital. Nothing to worry about I’m not dying or anything but that’s why my writing has been slowed. I’m pretty sick. Hopefully it’ll pick up again once I feel better which I predict will be soon based on how I felt when this started compared to how I feel now. That is all. 


@LieutenantMertan Hey, dont feel guilty. I hope you get well soon. Take it easy, and be safe.


I really wanna do a stranded on an island fic with Seth or is that cliche? Any of my two readers want to read that as well or should I just keep working on what I got?


@EmoSasuke13 Awesome! That would be great cause I have the perfect idea for one heh


@LieutenantMertan I’m open to reading both of them ^^