
Also btw everyone, I will be taking down my newest story for good, "Nugget & Jax!". It was fun to write while it lasted, but I can't keep writing if no one reads it. But I do appreciate everyone who did read it, and to this people who gave my new writing change a chance (even though no one stuck around), thanks. I will continue writing it on my off time, but it will stay unpublished.


Also btw everyone, I will be taking down my newest story for good, "Nugget & Jax!". It was fun to write while it lasted, but I can't keep writing if no one reads it. But I do appreciate everyone who did read it, and to this people who gave my new writing change a chance (even though no one stuck around), thanks. I will continue writing it on my off time, but it will stay unpublished.


Hey Everyone!
          I just found a solution to all of our current problems, with the wonderful help of @MaeMae_Ozzy! I recently found that she created a private message board for a book, so people that literally depend on private messages (like me lol) can use it to "secretly" communicate to one another! If any of you are interested in using the book, such as @LakshyaGupta316, @idk-9871 or @laddtos000, please let me know so we can further talk about "Secret projects ~~"


If you want I can make one too


@JPCA737 as of what I’ve chatted about with the creator, it’s open to anyone, but they also said they’d try not to intrude or read any private conversations. But if you genuinely want to know, you could just ask them.


Hey LightningTrial! It's been a while since we've communicated with eachother. I'm actually really impressed and proud that you've made it so far till now! Your fanfics are amazing and comparing to your past stories you've really improved!!! I'm really glad that I was your first ever follower and I feel so proud of you that you've improved so much! See you again! :)


@liluxo hey! It really has been a while. I’m glad I can retire one day knowing I was able to do all of this, but at the same time I feel like I cheated lol. You’d be surprised by how many people like Aphmau. I really hope my originals could get as far as my fanfiction, especially because I’m reconsidering republishing Werewolf In a Crowd. I hope to see you again soon with my originals, and I hope you find something you’re interested in! See you soon!


          THERE WON'T BE ANYMORE PRIVATE MESSAGING!!! I literally depend on that stuff to tell some of you guys about things I will not elaborate on (Because otherwise there wouldn't be a "Secret" anymore). How are we supposed to talk now? AHH MY BRAIN HURTS I WILL FIND A WAY TO BREAK THE SYSTEM!!
          lol just kidding I literally can't break rules


@Dailystories34522 But I understand why Wattpad took down private messaging. Maybe some people were getting verbal abuse on private messages, and they couldn't do anything about it. This way it's good that Wattpad took down private messaging so people can't get hurt.


@Dailystories34522 also found a solutions to our problems. You may continue writing now lol


Hey everyone. 
          I'm still not sure about what you think about the other story Idea's  I had, but you guys don't seem too interested in my "Nugget and Jax" book, so I'm gonna unpublish it.


@Dailystories34522 btw, for Each Page I need at least one vote because then I'll know that someone actually read it. Sometimes on my end, if I publish something without giving it a timed schedule, it will already have one view.


Hey Guys!
          Sorry I haven't been really tight on schedule with my story. I just have been so obsessed with Stardew Valley. I've been trying to keep myself away from it, because after over a week of playing it, I know that when I start, I never stop. It's almost like hypnotization for me lol. I always tell myself I'll only play a few in-game days, and then I play for an entire year. 
          But besides that, I already have three game files for it, and as I was playing recently, I was also thinking about my stories. I just wanted to know, since I have a lot of stuff going on (in stardew valley), would you guys want to read about it? It's not gonna be like a journal or anything, but each save file has a uniques story, or at least I've just realized that. 
          I want you guys to say yes and no at the same time ughhh! I totally would want to write about that, but also I don't want to put myself in that scenario again, where I'm stuck writing a bunch of stories at once. I've done that before, and it literally made me braindead. But at the same time, I absolutely want to write about it, because I think it would be so cool! Ughhh! 
          But either way, whether I choose to torture myself by writing a bunch of stories at once, I want to know your opinion beforehand, just so I know what's next for me. Soooo, would you guys be interested in that kind of thing?


@LightningTrail  Lol When I Play A Game That I Like I Can Never Stop


LE GASPPP!! You've never heard of Stardew Valley?!?!? I watched it on Aphmau's livestreams, and I finally got the game. It's just you being a farmer and discovering a bunch of stuff. You can get married, have babies and pets, build so much stuff, and just generally have fun! The best part is that you can play with others, so it's awesome! I totally recommend it, just don't get hooked like I did lol. Once I start, I never stop.


Hey everyone!
          glad to see your all very awake, because the silly AU trailer I wrote for like, ten minutes, already has more views than my original story. I was really hoping it would get more views. So, I thought of something. I need at LEAST one vote for each chapter I make for my original story. If you guys are really interested like you said you were, then I'll know.


@LightningTrail  Oh sry I've been at umm u know maybe like James Charles cause I need to learn makeup but here let me give you that vote


Is it just me, or has anyone watched Aphmau's livestream for Stardew Valley??
          I watched it a while ago, and I just got the game now. I've only been playing for a week and I'm already in year two, married, have a barn and coop, LOTS OF MONEHH, and tons of NPC friends! It's crazy how much work you can get down when you're obsessed.


@LightningTrail that's amazing!! think I'll try it too!!


That's why I changed where I live on my bio lol. I totally recommend the game to anyone interested. It's like Animal Crossing, but waaaaay better and addicting.


GUYS DO YOU SEE THAT?!?! IS IT REALLY TRUE?! 10,000 views. My goodness. You guys are so good to me. Thank you all so much for the support of this story, and now that it’s complete, I have two big announcements, which is technically one announcement with a twist.  IM RETIRING!! Yep, you heard me right! But at the same time, you heard me wrong!! I will no longer write Aphmau stories. I might write stories about Aphmau in the future, but I will never publish them. I still enjoy watching all of her content, but I want my stories to not only be more original, but I also think I’ve done enough now that I’ve reached the biggest milestone ever. With that being said, @idk-9871, @laddtos000, and @LakshyaGupta316, you're up to bat!  Now I give you my stories.  I know you all have different writing styles than I do, but I would really appreciate it if you stuck with the story, and if you have any questions, please just ask.   BUT NOW...What you’ve all been waiting for….kind of…IM NOT RETIRING!! I’m only giving up on my Aphmau stories. I promise to the writers I’ve assigned to take on my story ideas that when I have another one, I will give them to you. BUT! I will still be writing! As I’ve asked you guys recently, I will be writing an original story! I’m almost done with the “Trailer/first page” and I hope you guys enjoy!
           But as a matter of retirement to Aphmau, I salute to all you soldiers who read my story and liked it.
          “ALWAYS REMEMBER MEEEEEeeeeee…” *dies**
          Okay I’m back lol. Signing off as an Aphmau writer, 
             - L.T
          Stay Tuned!!


probably because I don't have one


@Dailystories34522 oh, yay! As you can see with my new story, I am very fond of cats lol