
Heya, Just a quick message to let you guys know that i am back and am going to start writing again. Thank you :) A chapter has been released.


I’ve had a few messages and comments so I just want to let you know I am in the process of writing and I haven’t abandoned the story
          I’m currently preparing for University and hopefully you understand that I’m putting my future in front of my fan fiction
          I know many of you are disappointed but for clarification yes I am back and have started writing again.
          I hope you guys continue to stay by my side and enjoy the chapters to come. 
          In terms of where I’m at I’m currently around 2100 words (without spaces) so don’t be alarmed.
          I love you all and I appreciate all of my readers :)


@LilGasPipe Good luck with admission


@LilGasPipe Master I'm happy you back and don't worry I can wait anytime so don't force yourself when you can't just take it easy...(≧▽≦)