
*love of drawing ZombieCleo intensifies*


Shout out to the men of the world!
          Okay, honestly men & boys don't get appreciated, I am in a profession with ALL females and there's lots of making fun of men, for how stupid or incompetent they are. Drives me nuts, because men are awesome! I love men, they look so cool, they can do cool things,  they tend to have lower voices which is super smexy (generally- not all). And a man who's willing to fight back to protect someone they love, ughhh, that's SO cool. Sometimes, I just want to feel safe, want to feel I'm protected & take care of. That doesn't make me weak, that means I'm strong enough to admit I need help, that I need a friend.
          We were made to be together, all genders, it's silly to blame anyone for society issues. Yes, men through history have done horrible things; and there use to be (and in some parts of the world is) serious injustice.
          But now a days, the most unpleasant people I interact with is women. The most "manexplaining" I've experienced has been from fellow women (usually nerotypicals).
          We are better together, all of us, and we should uplift each other's genders and see the beautiful in each one and how God can use them to change the world. We should encourage each other, to feel confident and proud of who they are!
          Strong, tender, and understanding brothers, boyfriends, sons, husbands, and fathers are fundamental to our world, and we won't be able to function without them! We appreciate you guys so much, thank you for everything!❤


@LilaJeanB :)   I just woke up and don't have words lol
            But yes
            Thx <3



@LilaJeanB ooo hot dog
            "Make it vintage" 
            *remembers hotdogs are usually mostly beef*


@LilaJeanB That was the most beautiful picture I have every seen. The hotdog's scrumpness was quite clear, shining with an ethereal gleam as I looked upon it. The crispy, brown edges, the soft, fluffy bread, it was a wonder to gaze upon. The words beneath the picture were astoundingly inspirational, I find myself at a loss of words, spellbound and awestruck as I am. I drank in every word, every letter, marvelling at the beauty and ease of speech that came with each word. 


Etho is love, Etho is life.
          Paise be to Etho.......


@LilaJeanB I agree I think everyone is a bit of an Ethogirl at heart


@Xcreed07 Hhahah! Actually, idk, not a self-identified Ethogirl because like I feel like the whole Etho-girl-thingy is sometimes a bit in your face and can be a tad cringy. But I am a huge Etho fan! Back in the old days (I been watch mcyt for a long time now, gosh I'm old) Etho was the only pg player. And he stayed pg, he was loyal to his fans to give uplifting and professional content, and we could watch him on full TV without worrying about there being something inappropriate. And our mom and dad would sometimes watched too, the whole family bonding while watching his videos, good memories, since Minecrack to today. I'm just so impressed how he could create such a great space on the internet (like literally so many of the big time mcyt, and our favorites, have gone on record for saying they are huge fans of Etho and were inspired to play from watching his videos; Xisuma, Ren, Impulse, Gem, Tubbo, Joe, & so many more). We know virtual nothing about him, but yet, he feels so much more genuine then some YouTubers that show basically their whole life online. He just seems like such a great guy, and the fingerprint he left on both yt and mc should definitely be acknowledged. He did so much to create this Fandom, and I can't thank him enough for it. 
            Or maybe I've been brian washed, that's possible to.....time does move strangely fast when watching him's videos....and I don't really remember my name, or anything about myself, just Etho.....
            Etho is love. Etho is life.


            Scottperson and Pearlperson here


So I didn't sleep last night.
          My body was just awake with ADHD energy, no matter what I did I could not get comfortable. This is what happens when I forget to pick up my medicine. Now I feel that horrible wired-up exhausted you get with an-overnighter.
          Ah, insomnia. Good thing it's summer and I don't need to be functional or productive tomorrow (actually, I guessed today, lol).
          Anyway, how are you guyz doing, I really hope better then your girl over here. Are you dudes out of school yet?


@LilaJeanB what in the name of void- yOU’RE OUT OF SCHOOL ALREADY?!?! WE AREN’T OUT UNTIL LATE JUNE T-T


Hey, since pms are gone, if any of you wanna chat, I love to. You can hit me up on Tumblr or on my discord, which is lilajean_
          Loooove to chat, just tell me who you are and where you came from so I don't get freaked how a stranger got my discord, lol.
          Love y'all, stay strong ✊❤ 


Okay, but, a horror monster who can impersonate voices of family members and friends and the more you interact with it more it is able to psychicly read you, drawing on pain, pass hurts, and broken promises. If you get lured in, get enticed, manipulated, then the monster trudges out of the shadows, drool dripped talents and perceiving eyes of inhuman understanding. The main character must confront her pass mistakes and go face to face with her most painful regrets and finally find forgiveness before she's able to beat this monster and save her cabin crew.


@LilaJeanB Me, who is writing a horror right now:


@LilaJeanB I'd let the monster kill me tbh 


My brain is doing that annoying brain thing again were it thinks.
          On another note, might have fallen down the Bluey rabbit hole......
          It's sooo cute!! I love the it has such a healthy family, like that's how a family should be, so supportive and caring. How the parents treat each other and treat the kids is precious, that's how it should be. I also love it's portrayal or nerodivercity, like, honestly, that's the best representation of an ADHD character I've seen.
          The line, "I can't. And I don't know why."
          And the line, "Was there something wrong at your old school?"
          "No. There's something wrong with me."
          Killed me, such a childlike view on such a difficult experience. And it's beautiful portrayal of trauma in, "Space" and tackling the topic of infertility in, "Onesie", my heart dude. 
          Anyway, favorite episode are, "Army" "Movie" and "Surprise".
          Send help, it's such an addictive show......


@LilaJeanB Gosh, I love Australia.


@LilaJeanB ikr, I love Bluey so much XD


@LilaJeanB It's like the parents enjoy each other's company, like they love each other and are excited to take life together. And how much time they put into their kids, and how the father's always got their back, to laugh or cry, to protect. Ugh, he's such a good dad. And I love the mom.