


Hey! You know how the minsungers debated whether Limbo and Volcano were related to each other? Well I can't say it's true in real life but if you'd want to read it in a fictional plot then I'm writing a fan fiction based on this idea if you'd be interested to read! 
          I could use some feedback. (:


@royalsxcrxts omg you just made my day...more like my week!!! I think about this book so often is concerning do not feel pressured to update any time soon, I absolutely will not forget this book!!!! I'm so happy that I could be the source of your motivation, even for just a second. Honestly, I'm so honored. You seem like such a kind and genuine person!!! I totally understand being busy, it is exam season after all! And even if it wasn't, you should always prioritize yourself❤  your mental health comes first!! I can't wait for your next chapter, no matter when it comes!! I will be cheering for you on the sidelines, and oh- good luck on your exams!! I'm sure you'll ace them!!
            Lots of love from France!!


            Firstly, I'm so sorry for my late response. I somehow lost this notification and only noticed it today! ):
            But thank you so incredibly much! I'm so so grateful to you for reading ember and giving it a chance. You're genuinely so sweet and kind! 
            Your overwhelmingly positive feedback is the cause of all these butterflies inside me AAHAHAHHHH. But no, on a more serious note, I want you to know that your words mean a lot to me and they literally warm my heart. They give me the reassurance my mind craves for so much at times! 
            I have been working on the second chapter but unfortunately I have exams soon, so it'll take me some time to finish it. I understand waiting for a book can be frustrating and might make you lose interest so I'm really sorry! I'll try to notify you once it's fully done so you don't have to keep waiting for updates. (: 
            Your gesture really brought me so much joy and I can't thank you enough for it. Hopefully you can stick around till I bring ember to it's destination and we can finish this journey together! If that fails to happen, I just hope whenever you reminisce ember, it brings a smile to your face!
            Lastly, thanks again for your kind words of endearment! They really motivated me and I'll try my best to deliver better in the future. I understand everybody's busy and has commitments in real life, so to adjust a strangers request in your packed schedule is really admirable. I appreciate it a ton! ❤


@royalsxcrxts OKAY OMG I HAVE NO WORDS!! its sooo good. So well thought out, everything just fits perfectly with the songs, the emotion is raw, and most of all, it's so realistic it has me wondering if this happened irl. Honestly one of the best ffs I've ever read. On top of that, your writing is incredible. The perfect balance of descriptions, metaphors, emotion, and your wording is immaculate. You have a real talent!! Please please please please update