
Hey guys! 
          	Moony here telling you that I've made another profile that I'll be using.
          	Don't worry, my stories will move over there and HOPEFULLY be UPDATED!!!
          	check me out! If you really like me or my stories so far (those that are published here) please don't hate me, and stuff.


looking at Team Starkids' newest tweet and... Dead wizard God Brolden! What the hell are you doing?? Brolden wanna go fast!!! 
          and Joey's hair fix! For a three second video I've probably spent five minutes laughing before rewatching!
          So excited for Firebringer!!!


Does anyone else have that moment where you find out your friend has Wattpad, and you get so excited, only to search up their username and it doesn't come up? 
          You start to feel really weird, thinking you've heard it wrong. You double check their username the next day, and search it again, but it looks as if the profile doesn't exist?
          Yeah... I'm going through that right now, and it's annoying. Word of advice, get the other person to type it in.


Hey Wattpadians!
          I have a random question for you all. 
          Could someone in a wheelchair attend Hogwarts, and if so then how? Remember those always changing stairs.
          Please answer!


@LilyMollyMoony they can get a friend to use Wingardium Leviosa on their wheelchair.


@LilyMollyMoony I thought they would just magically fix any injury that caused being in a wheelchair. It does seem like they need to invent magical lifts though. 