
Hey Guys! Sorry I've dropped off the face of the earth, been crazy busy. Anyway my lovely boyfriend just joined Wattpad, you should follow him  @majorjr16028


Hello My Dear Wattpad Followers! I will probably not be updating for a while. My life has gotten very busy as of late and I'm now focusing my time and efforts on four things:
          1. School
          2. My REALLY Big history paper
          3. My Boyfriend (yup, I've got one now!)
          4. The Play I'm in
          I'll update as soon as I can but that will probably not be until around Thanksgiving when I go on break.


Okay! The lovely Wattpad is currently missing like half the chapter I wrote for DoP and with Fair week and me being first runner up Queen, I've had no time to rewrite or search various technologies for it. I promise that it will be updated next week, once Fair week is over.  I try to post something else, but I still have to teach a horse showman how to properly show a rabbit, which is harder than I make it look, trust me! The good news is that I'm a grand champion senior rabbit showman myself, so she's got a good shot at learning how to do it right. Wish me luck and I'll update when I can!


Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that last Friday's update, which could not happen because of a graduation party and birthday sleepover being on the same day, will be posted later today. I will, also, be making slight edits to Daughter of Poseidon before said update. I would like to say that I'll be on a better writing schedule soon, but that is highly doubtful. Sorry! Summer is my 4-H season and I'm INSANELY involved in my local 4-H program. It runs in the family. But I will try to have an update on something once a week, even if it's not necessarily Friday!


Hello, again, from Hiatus Land! As those of you who have been following me for the past few months know, I've been on Hiatus for June because of a writing competition and a trip to DC. Well, the completion is over and I'm home from DC after the almost eleven hour bus ride and drive back to my house (BTW, I found out I'm really popular with Missouri boys!). I will be updating sometime in the next two weeks. I'm unsure as to when because I have other obligations and my friend is having a birthday sleepover on Friday night. I can promise an update very soon! In other news, I was actually in DC when marriage equality happened so I was really excited about that and for my gay friends, especially my baby sister. Love you Madi! If you haven't checked her out on here, her user is CastielsBrokenWings and she does follow me.


Hello from Hiatus Land! As promised I have done something special for my birthday, I made a book of one shots! This will not be updated like my other books and will be updated whenever I write one. Please comment and vote your little hearts out! It's the best birthday gift you can give me! That's right, I am now 18! I can vote and do all that other adult-type stuff now... except drink, I'm not allowed to drink :)!


Hey guys! I was really hoping to have three chapters for Elementals ready to publish tomorrow but I have had no writing time because of exams and some personal stuff. Because I'm going on hiatus in the next three days, I'm just going to publish whatever drafts I have done and ready by tomorrow, no matter the story my exams are over at 12:15 but I'm going to be away from wifi for a little bit so I'll either publish late afternoon or early morning before exams. Just a heads up! Now I'm off to study for anatomy and try to distract myself from waiting for a cute guy to text me (seriously, I'm not a patient person but giving the guy space and waiting from HIM to text ME is driving me even more nuts then usual!)!