
SPOILERS: (Young Secret Guardians [aka the last chapter])
            In the mist of the battle, a raven-haired guy was lying on the ground, motionless. If it wasn't for his watch-like thingy still glowing, people would already think he's dead. 
            His left arm was badly injured with slight bruises on the elbow of his right arm. His jeans were torn up until his knees revealing a twisted ankle but that's probably a very small matter judging by his quarter blinded eyes. 
            The guy finally decided to force his eyes open to look at the surroundings even though it's quite blurry. 'That Hawaii Siew guy really did a number on me', he thought as he tried to focus his view slowly. He may be quarter-blind, but he's not deaf. Hearing a sound, he used his remaining energy and turned his head up. 
            And there 'HE' is, the master mind, evil of all evil (ya, like you). The one who made ElizaBeth killed the Warriors, the one who took away many lives. That long dark jet-black hair that resembles his monstrous heart, the evil sharp eyes as red as blood and those skin fair like an actual ghost. All those belonged to the one and only.... 
          "HEY, LORD VELMORD!"
          The said latter faced his back and put on that annoying smirk on his face once he saw who the voice belonged to. The raven-haired kiddo finally, after a zillion years, focused his sight even though it's still a little blurry but better than the smoke-of-a-view he saw before. 
          "ElizaBeth...?? Wha-" by this time, he was utterly confused and frustrated at the same time because-
          What is she doing? 
          "ElizaBeth! Don't you bloody dare-"
          "John Lim Frither."
          The raven-haired boy widen his eyes as he shouted loudly in gibberish when he saw the scene unfolding. 
          Lord Velmord had just...... 


            I DUN FXCK WITH U ~~ //laughs n runs off//


this message may be offensive
@SallyPurple Once upon a night, a little timid, shy and kind girl was reading a message that her sister send her on Wattpad. It was about a story that her sister wrote and the little girl was excited, if she was not wrong, she sister told her personally that it was a side story. After reading the story, the girl's personality turn a one hundred eigty degrees, she shouted :"You lying BASTARD! You fucking BITCH!
            You FUCKING no good sister!!!!!!!"
            THE END


P. S. This focused more on John. 
            The actual manga/comic would have major focus on ElizaBeth and Lord Velmord of course 
            A. K. A  this is just like a side story extra thingy 