
New account is up, you can find me @ListentoHerScream  <---- I hope to see you all there. 


this message may be offensive
Can you possibly write a story about Ashley Purdy and I? I, like, suck at writing and I really want a story about Ash and I cause he's freaking hot as fuck and yeah. If you can, awesome, if not, don't worry about it. Thanks! 


okay guys, after very much thought I have decided I am done with this account. I'll be making a new one tomorrow. Every time I get on wanting to write I just cant. There's so much wrong with what's already been posted on this account and I can't stand it. I'm still going to rewrite the vampire story and I'm probably gonna rewrite Dark dreams with original characters but it'll be on the new account. I'll post a link once the account is up and running. I love you all and I hope to see you all again on the new account.  
          Bye bye 


Hey guys, sorry I've been gone. I've been busy, not to busy but busy enough that I completely forgot about writing. I saw Motionless In White the weekend after my last update. that was pretty amazing. I've done two square dances since then as well. I'm glad to have a break though so I'm gonna try updating Blood again.


Hey guys, 
          So, I was thinking, crazy right, and I've decided to rewrite more than just blood. See, I realized that the biggest problem with some of my stories, and why I personally don't like them, is because they weren't very well thought out and so they aren't very good. So, I will be rewriting all of the fan fiction that is marked complete. Also, any sequels will hopefully be completed afterwards, assuming I can actually come up with more ideas while writing. Rather than starting new stories I'm going to write down ideas in my word book. (It's literally a notebook filled with words and ideas) I'm hoping if I rewrite these stories I'll feel a little bit better about my works so I can carry on with new material. 
          Have a lovely night, <3


can you make a candy story? cc + andy


@Oranges_are_bae I wrote the thing for you.  it's called Black Mass.


@Oranges_are_bae wellllll... I can do like, a short story...? if I can come up with an idea. I've lost interest in fanfics but, I'll try for you Bae