
Hey lovelies, 
          	Just wanted to pop in and apologize for not posting as soon as I would have liked. I came down with a horrible cold/virus on Monday and I’m just recovering now. I work all weekend but I’m hoping the next chapter will be posted by Monday or Tuesday. It’s almost finished, just a few more paragraphs to write! Thank you for your awesome support. 
          	Molly ❤️


Hey ! Are you gonna update Chasing cars soon ?


Yes! I’m in the process of moving but hope to finish the next chapter soon. Sorry it’s taken so long! A lot has happened in the last few months and I lost some motivation and creativity for a bit but I’ll be back really soon ☺️


Hey lovelies, 
          Just wanted to pop in and apologize for not posting as soon as I would have liked. I came down with a horrible cold/virus on Monday and I’m just recovering now. I work all weekend but I’m hoping the next chapter will be posted by Monday or Tuesday. It’s almost finished, just a few more paragraphs to write! Thank you for your awesome support. 
          Molly ❤️