
Did I hear correctly that private messages will soon no longer exist?


@ -alchemyzero-  den Grund finde ich nirgends


@Little7Seven  Hab's auch gehört. Wattpad wird immer nutzloser :D


Did I hear correctly that private messages will soon no longer exist?


@ -alchemyzero-  den Grund finde ich nirgends


@Little7Seven  Hab's auch gehört. Wattpad wird immer nutzloser :D


No joke, it's not even worth starting a new series anymore. Of course, Netflix decides whether to continue a series or not based on the ratings. But the problem with that is that users don't even start when a show is new or only has one season because they never know if it will be finished.
          A stupid cycle that leads to exactly this. How many shows, and not just on Netflix (even though they are now extremely well known for it), have been canceled without an ending and preferably with a cliffhanger? Who invests time in something that is not worthwhile or pays off in the end?
          I've become extremely skeptical about Netflix shows, because even the ones that are doing well get canceled.
          What's your current situation with series?


@Little7Seven i'll never get over them cancelling Anne with an E


@Little7Seven that kinda what I felt when they canceled Julie and the phantoms it was like the most watched show during the whole covid lockdown but guess that wasn't enough 


For a Harry Potter FF.
          IIs it better to base it on the books or the movies, or both? What do you prefer to read or do you think is better?
          Have a great week.
          Mine starts with pouring rain.


Uhhh I love having a bit of both to read about!!! <33


@Little7Seven def books, especially for a fanfic. Written media is good for written media, they had to leave out a lot of stuff for the movies (bc obviously they're movies and can't be that content-heavy). 


@ NightfallOfStories  this is clear. But this was not the question because there are so many people who knows movies but not the books. 


Test passed with my dog :)
          And no, it is not an aggressive dog or from the list. She is a "boring" Labrador. In Germany, as an owner, you have to pass two tests.


@ calalu  absolut oder wie du schon sagtest, dass kleine Hunde, dank Größe und Gewicht, dass dort kein Test vorhanden sein muss, was ich bei Yorkshires und Chihuahuas nicht verstehe. Die sind stellenweise so heftig.
            Dieser Test ist sowieso dämlich, weil ich mit jedem Hund hätte hingehen können. Zumal man leider nicht erfährt, wie ein Hund behandelt wird. Was ich in fast zwei Jahren gerade mal erlebt habe, ist heftig.


@Little7Seven true, föderalismus manchmal absolut dämlich. gerade bei Hunden triggert es mich weil ich mir immer denke "cool wenn ich jetzt 20km weiter weg ziehe, wird mein Hund plötzlich anders eingruppiert". das macht halt null Sinn 


@ calalu  ist das nicht generell das Problem, dass jedes Bundesland in vielen Dingen, eigene Regelungen besitzt? 


People ask me why I take Kyra to the lake several times (1-3) a week (about 19 km away and gas is not cheap in Germany at the moment). At the moment it is not possible, because she has something with her ear. But the answer is simple. Very simple.
          The hours at the lake with her are my vacation. I don't have her to be alone at home, lying around stupidly. Others go away or fly away, I go "away" with her. People like to forget that dogs "only" have us and not the possibility to just go somewhere alone. We as "parents" shape her life and I want to give her the best life I can. And going swimming with her, which she loves, and spending time together is something I can definitely do. So you do a lot of things together and take her with you whenever possible. And vacations can be anywhere.
          After my first dog died, I came to the point where I wanted another one, and it took me eleven years to get Kyra. Not because I was not over it, but life did not allow it.
          Some people wish they had kids, I wished I had a dog. And honestly, I don't need anything else. She won't be with me forever, so I want to spend as much time with her as I can, which I couldn't do with my first dog when I was an old kid/teenager.