

I have exams going on and its been like this for the longest time. It gets announced and then postponed. I think its almost been a year now that I haven't posted. I'm so sorry, y'all. I'll be done on the 27th so I will take out time from then. Please wish me luck for the exams <3


Y'all, I'm in love... WITH CORPSE HUSBAND jsnjdndunxjdbd
          I mean- have you SEEN him?!?! Well, ofc you HAVEN'T, I have either nor anyone else, BUT his VOICE, His HAND, His STRAND OF FREAKING HAIR. am I simping over a strand of bloody hair? Yes. Yes I am.
          He radiates such a badass babie energy I- ✨⛓✨⛓✨⛓✨


@LittleMossHead Most likely andd I did the same with people I fangirled over and fangirled for the weirdest things like their shoes, or body structure.


Lmao its 1 am so my grammar skills out thr door rn. I guess I'm still at the early stages if fangirl for him so I might just be overreacting lol


@LittleMossHead I had a stroke reading that so I'm guessing you were saying, "How can you not like it? Evertime I see it I'm like, mdjdjjsjdbdhvd,"
            But it's his hand! All the picture is his nails painted, the picture being in black and white, him holding a card and bracelets.  XDD BUT it's your likes so I'm not judging I'm just confused.