
Hello everyone! I will be posting other stories on my account to gather up some more inspiration to write the next chapters of my book, Little Shadows. Please feel free to read these stories or books in the meantime! Thank you all so much for your support and kind words ^w^


Hello everyone! I will be posting other stories on my account to gather up some more inspiration to write the next chapters of my book, Little Shadows. Please feel free to read these stories or books in the meantime! Thank you all so much for your support and kind words ^w^


Hi! Uh, I posted a new chapter a while back for Little Shadows, and those of you that have the book in a reading list or library, I don't think it notified some of you that a new chapter has been out, I'm just letting you all know. The chapter is called "The Dreamscape." It got jumbled up with the other chapters like the Author's note one and the other one, it might not have notified anyone and I really don't know, oof. I'm just making sure. Anyways, I'm starting a new chapter, have a greatish day :D


            I hope you have a wonderful day as well, you have an amazing talent at writing ^w^


Heyo, Noodle here...uhm. So it's been a while since I've actually updated something. You see, I've been struggling with inspiration for some of my stories, like Little Shadows, and I've been reading multiple stories on here to try and get some inspiration. I got bits and pieces of it and I am currently working on the next chapter. It'll be out soon, but not soon soon. Sorry in advance :3
          Stay determined :)


Hola,how are you? Just checking up. Also,stay determined! Here are some stars ☆☆☆☆☆


@MoonlightPotatoChoco I am thriving well, fortunately. How are you doing, pal? Also, thanks for ze stars! :D