
Ok, so the universe obviously hates me, because I've finally been in a good place to work on Lost Princess again and then I lost power, got my computer broken, and then lost my wattpad password. I swear to god, I'm not making this up, it's to comedy of errors to be real. They need to put my stories into one of those crazy AO3 author's notes compilations at this point. Anyway, new chapter coming tomorrow, unless my house explodes or something.


Ok, so the universe obviously hates me, because I've finally been in a good place to work on Lost Princess again and then I lost power, got my computer broken, and then lost my wattpad password. I swear to god, I'm not making this up, it's to comedy of errors to be real. They need to put my stories into one of those crazy AO3 author's notes compilations at this point. Anyway, new chapter coming tomorrow, unless my house explodes or something.


Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted anything or really been active for a while. Everything is fine, and I still fully intent to finish The Lost Princess. I have just been been very busy IRL, between keeping up with my school schedule, finding more time for my IRL friends I haven't seen in a while, and doing the extracurriculars I need to get into a good college. Because of all this, I got behind in editing, and now it's a lot more work that I don't have time to do to post a chapter or write another fic. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not complaining. I love writing, and it frustrates me that I don't have time to do it much, but my future ultimately comes first. That being said, we're approaching the holidays, which means two breaks from school for us Americans, so I should have time to get caught back up, and if all goes well, I will start posting regularly again between the end of November and the end of December. There is a couple other fics I would like to have started by 2023 as well, but they're not my first priority, so I'm not promising those.


@LittleSorreltail That;s fine. I hope that you have time to fit everything in that you want. Have fun over your breaks!


How are you still only on 14 followers...
          Oh, this is Quincy on an alt btw. Can't really, uh, access my main for a while now hahah..


@yourlocalteacup . I thought the prequel was the first book, and got super attached to the MC, only to find out he dies pretty much right away in the main series. I’m glad my questioning process is fun for you. Someone should get a kick out of it. Yeah, love is weird. I don’t even know what I’m meant to be feeling.  Descriptions are handy though so, thanks for that. As for the formulas, I have no idea what I was talking about. If I figure it out, I’ll get back to you, but that was like two months ago, and I was probably really tired. Sorry! Yeah, that makes sense. I feel like when it comes down to it, every writer has their own way of doing things. Other authors can give suggestions because sometimes they do help, but because it’s a creative process, everything comes from the brain, and everybody’s brain works differently, so you have to find what works for you. There are very few things I feel like all writers have to do, though I wouldn’t say they don’t exist. My current writing process is a combination of tips from like four different authors, random stuff I read on the internet, and things I discovered on my own that work for me. Thanks for the compliment, though I don’t always work quite that hard on plotting and planning my fics. Usually I have a basic chapter outline, character info if necessary (some fandoms have a great wiki or I feel comfortable enough writing the character that I don’t need it), general notes about the world if it’s an AU, and one major and at least one minor plotline decided on. Sorry if this reads weird or is missing something. I wrote it in chunks over the course of a couple days because I’ve been really busy.  And sorry it’s so long. This would have been enough to send in a letter 100 years ago LOL.


@yourlocalteacup  I've read a fic where it all felt very natural based on character development and what they had experienced (this is where the fact that they are characters comes back in .Writing real people/historical figures does not give you and excuse to forgo character development). They were also background ships, so it wasn't overly in your face and weird. People who just shoehorn it in because everything has to be gay or because they have some crazy conspiracy about the real historical figures is definitely disrespectful though. Again, if that's something that someone does want to include in their fic, I think it's important to differentiate between the real historical figures and the versions of them you're writing, and I don't know if you can really say "I ship it." (people seem to think that they can't include any ships they don't love in fic for some reason. Sometimes it just makes sense for the plot or the context or whatever. You don't have to be falling head over heels for every pairing.).  And any "uwu Gatcha"-fication of real historical figures is definitely disrespectful, not questions asked. In essence, I think it's OK to ship whatever as a consumer of media, but not as a producer. Real history does not qualify as media in and of itself, however. OML Filipino TV sounds wild. I don’t watch a ton of TV, so I’m not really the person to say this, but American TV that isn’t marketed as cheesy drama usually doesn’t come off that way. The reality TV industry is crazy though.. Do you like babysitting? As a teenage American girl, it’s something a lot of my peers do to make money, but I’ve never been interested. I’m not a huge fan of little kids. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I hate them, but we do not get along. I’ve never watched a show in the wrong order before, but I’ve read a book series in the wrong order and it was not a good decision.


@yourlocalteacup It's not for me, but I understand how it is for some people, especially LGBTQ+ youth who don't have much good media representation, or see many people like them in the past. What's not OK in terms of Lams is the sort of gatekeep-y and toxic attitudes where "they were gay for eachother" is the only valid interpretation and "Hamliza sucks because it keeps Alex and John apart." This is especially true if you only consider musical canon, because I personally wouldn't say I can do a well supported gay reading of their relationship without pulling in other texts (as someone who's not wlw or out of high school yet though, that is by no means definitive). The "uwu Gatcha" is cringe here, but I wouldn't say it's necessarily disrespectful since you're a step removed from the source. As for any extra historical characters the author wants to pull in, I think it gets a lot more complicated. You could argue that by writing them, you're making them your characters anyway and so anything goes, but I personally disagree. No one would argue, for example, that a novel with a character based of off Donald Trump portrayed in a negative light wasn't disrespecting him (though he deserves it TBH). That's called satire or political commentary, depending on the context. I think sort of the same thing applies here. These people do have a legacy, however good or bad it may be (and for American writers, they're the reason we're here today living the lives we have), and you as a writer have a responsibility to portray that figure in a way that accurately and respectfully reflects that, unless it's deliberate commentary to the contrary. As for shipping them, I think it really depends on the situation and how it's intended by the author (I hate Death of the Author). I don't think it's impossible to do historical ships right.


Just a heads up, I may be MIA for a couple weeks because our power is out (and has been for a few days) for the second time this month and school (where I have hard classes and a busy schedule) is about to start. I don't really know what my day-to-day life is going to look like for the next few weeks, and I will do my best to post chapters & respond to people, but don't get mad or worry if I don't.
          THANK YOU FOR:
          -500+ reads and 50+ votes on The Lost Princess!
          -100+ reads on You Forgot Your Helmet!


@LittleSorreltail The Lost Princess is so good and I love it! You are a wonderful writer. I hope your power comes back on soon!


The Lost Princess Chapter 22 will be delayed for a bit. For one, August will be a very busy month for me, and for another, I really hate the chapter in its current iteration, and would rather delay than post something that I'm not happy with.  It will be up as soon as I have time to get the kinks worked out.


These Violent Delights killed me. I cried so much


@Zaywhat12 Someone else who's read it! TVD is one of my favorite series, and it killed me as well. I know it's a Romeo and Juliette retelling and I should have known, but the ending still ripped my heart out. (Thanks for the follow BTW)


          Anyways, I cant talk much and I cant find the conversation we had recently, (I have about 5k notifications and counting. It is horrendous.) but its easy to make a channel. A google acc is different from a channel. I have 3 channels on one account lmao. I dont think you need a channel to talk to me. My friend doesnt exactly have a channel but she regularly comments on my videos so eh yeah. My channel is linked in my profile bio so just comment on my recent video so we could talk there. I'd love to be able to talk to you again. I have so much to say xD


Are you going to continue with The Lost Princess?


Yes! I love the book and it's so interesting! Thank you


@Birdie1047 Yes, definitley. I have the whole thing drafted and I fully intend to post it all. School and life in general has made it hard to do regular updates, but once school's out things should go more smothly. The plan right now is for Chapter 17 to go up this Sunday, and then have once weekly updates after that, like it says on my profile.


I just started reading The Lost Princess and I love it! Great work! =)


Thanks! Good luck.


@Birdie1047 Thank you so much! I'll check out your fic as well when I have a chance. I have to get through finals next week first, though.