
          	OMG person!! I am!!


Anna, It's katie. I miss you more than you know. I know that your profile got deleted but girl I'm crying just thinking about all the good memories we shared last school year. I miss you so much and I pray to dear god you didn't change your phone number over summer. Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver, and the other is gold  ;-; I miss you


Waz up girl it's meeeeeeeee  anyway you better update "behind my green eyes"! If you don't I will... Well I don't know what I will do. But let's just say that I have first second and third periods with you. Love ya LOL teehee hehehehehehe


Oh my gosh!! It's a random amazing person that I don't even know!!!! Oh my gosh oh my gosh!!! FREAKING OUT!! Ok, I'm good. Thank you soooo much!! I love your story soooo much I'm like wow!!! Amazing!! Btw thanks for talking to me. It means a lot. Mostly since its spring break and I'm like totally bored