
this message may be offensive
Hey y'all!  Guess what!  
          	Yes, I am back.  But that is not what.  The what is that I am..... -gasp!- offensive!!
          	I guess someone tagged one of my comments as offensive in another story.  Even though the comment was about a guy who wanted to ask me out in high school but chickened out.  Probably because I used the word "fucking.". The context? I said the thing that happened in the story was "fucking adorable" and then shared the similar thing that happened to me when I was in highschool.  
          	So offensive 


@Littney ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 


@KatanyaSimm the author of the story in question just told me that, too, so I'm glad it isn't someone hating on me for weird reasons lmao


@Littney hey, if it helps, Wattpad is flagging all comments with profanities in them since the last update. I've got loads coming up in my story and see them every day x 


this message may be offensive
Hey y'all!  Guess what!  
          Yes, I am back.  But that is not what.  The what is that I am..... -gasp!- offensive!!
          I guess someone tagged one of my comments as offensive in another story.  Even though the comment was about a guy who wanted to ask me out in high school but chickened out.  Probably because I used the word "fucking.". The context? I said the thing that happened in the story was "fucking adorable" and then shared the similar thing that happened to me when I was in highschool.  
          So offensive 


@Littney ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 


@KatanyaSimm the author of the story in question just told me that, too, so I'm glad it isn't someone hating on me for weird reasons lmao


@Littney hey, if it helps, Wattpad is flagging all comments with profanities in them since the last update. I've got loads coming up in my story and see them every day x 


Me, seeing a comment notification for Heaven: Ooo, haven't had one of those in a while!  Huh... Chapter 17, not someone who has liked or commented on any of the rest of the story... Maybe something struck them as particularly comment-worthy about something in that chapter.  Or it's a spam bot.  Better check it out in case I need to delete a porn link.
          Commenter: *expresses disappointment that there is no Sope in response to Hobi getting Dasom's phone number*
          Me: ...wut.
          17 chapters in, no prior indication of reading, and someone is disappointed that there is no Sope in a Namjin story that never advertised specific other ships and felt so strongly about it that they had to leave a comment for it?  I'm baffled.


this message may be offensive
Watch out for someone with the username Mur1456.  They told me one name in a DM (Thomas Taylor), is listed in the profile as a completely different but equally generic White-Dude-Name (John Murray), is trying to (very poorly) to impersonate a very high profile US Army generall of the 2nd name that looks nothing like the pictures he stole for his pfp, he aslo claims to be from Yunnan, China at the same time, writes like someone who is badly ESL, got defensive when I called him out on his bullshit, and acts in every way like the scammers who keep thinking they can pull the wool over the eyes of young girls who will send money and pictures.
          He is a preditor. He blocked me before I could report him for fraud when I called him out.  Do Watt, and the large number of underage girls on here, a favor and report this creep.  
          I have the convo screeenshotted and may make a guide book out of these situations on how to spot a scammer if they are now hitting Watt like they do Instagram.


Wattpad: We care about you, so report when something violating happens.
          Me: *reports a spambot posting links advertising pornographic images in my story comments*
          Wattpad: We allow free expression and just because you don't agree with a users comments doesn't mean they have violates policy.
          Me:... It's against your rules ..
          Watt: We allow you to block content and report misuse. 
          Me: but did... And you told in your own robotically sent preset message that it was up to me to prevent the stuff from being posted by blocking the user and reporting them. But when I reported them you told me that if I wasn't pleased with what was being commented that I could report it... So....?


@deppstyle It's so frustrating 


@Littney they're commenting those links in my every story and I can't do anything about it 




Hitman just tied for first place in the ships category of the Spinebreaker Awards!  This is Hitman's first time finishing first!  


And, to be honest, I'm also a little upset that the only 2 comments I've really gotten in a couple months are from a sexbot.  The bot could have at least given my story some likes in exchange


@Littney of course! You deserve it. Your writing is -chef's kiss-


Littneyyyyyy!!!! I misss youuuuu!!!
          I miss talking to you and reading your stories 
          (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡
          When are you coming back? 


@dreamybantanie lol me too! I can see myself staying with this company. It's a good one :)


@Littney oh yes I remember you told me about it. I'm glad you're liking it so far. ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ 


@dreamybantanie Great! I got a new job in September and it's so much nicer 


Ever try to write something cliche and fail so miserably you fear you'll never make it big because you're too different?


@Littney 100% understand. XD my book was cliché soooo cliche. I failed. Lol gave depth and a story. It's always the cliche ones unfortunately that seem to get big. But is it really something you enjoy writing? Something you've fallen in love with? Characters that speak to you or others? Probably not. It's not worth it to write something just for popularity if it's not something you enjoy. 


@deppstyle it's so frustrating!  I have tried to write a cliche in the cop out attempt to gain some popularity or visibility and I can't even manage to write something bad on purpose


On a writing note, I am debating ending Heaven.


@Littney YESSSSS I almost forgot about the short story book 


@deppstyle lol I think you may understand. I'm not abandoning it. I have 2 options. I can include a bunch of stuff I was debating tossing in and keep it going for a few more chapters, or I can wrap it up in a couple and save that other stuff for the short story book 


@Littney aww :(( but if it's good for you then go ahead! The story was heart touching <333