
this message may be offensive
So, just found a thread of someone on twitter trashing Young Volcanoes. It was from months ago but I'm just now seeing it. And?? I already fucking hate myself why do you have make me feel even fucking worse. Part of me wants to be mean to them but it won't do me any good.


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So, just found a thread of someone on twitter trashing Young Volcanoes. It was from months ago but I'm just now seeing it. And?? I already fucking hate myself why do you have make me feel even fucking worse. Part of me wants to be mean to them but it won't do me any good.


Finally updated Believer! I was using my laptop to finish the chapter I had previously worked on, and I feel like I was more productive because I can type faster on my laptop than my phone. I may or may not consider using my laptop more often for stories, as it's almost too much of a hassle to go back and forth from this account and my other one.
          Also, I have a Seamus, old Creatures, and (sort of) Cow Chop social media fic up! I'd love it if you'd check it out. Been really missing those guys lately.
          Anyway! Feedback is appreciated! Love you!


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Uploaded a new story! Its a social media fic about Seamus, the old Creatures, and Cow Chop (sort of cuz you know James and Aleks were part of The Creatures). So yeah! Give it a read if you want to! I’ve been missing the moose and the others (back when shit was good) so Ive been rewatching older videos. Should have an update for Believer soon too! Thanks!


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Fuck, guys, I'm so fucking sorry for abandoning this account. I've went through some old stuff and taken some things down. As for what's been left up, I cannot tell you if I will update them. They are all 1-2 years old and God only knows what has changed for the people written about, as well as myself, since.
          For starters, The Creatures have lost a shit ton of members. Cow Chop is a thing. And I csnt even tell you about the Derp Crew because I haven't actually watched much of their content in a long while.
          I'm not going to delete the account, I don't feel like that's something my heart can handle right now. However, it will be put on an almost indefinite hiatus. I say "almost" for the fact there is still a chance I could come back to this.
          If anything does stay up and gets worked on, it will be Young Volcanoes. But as I said, I haven't seen anything involving the Derps in a long time. The last thing I watched was their Castle Crashers play through on Tom's channel, but before that, it was probably Tom's Pokemon Colosseum play through, and the Derp Craft on Ze's.
          Again, I'm so sorry for everything. I never planned to let this account die. I honestly just came on out of curiosity and nostalgia when I saw a cover for the first story I put on here. I hope you all can forgive me, and I blame no one for unfollowing. I am active on my original account, though it's mostly just to read and talk to a friend. I have some stories there, more than need be (hence why this account was ever made). I love you all and hole everyone is okay.
          If someone would like to tell me about the Derps from the last year, you can do so by message either on this account or @LapisPrincessLibby That doesn't mean I'll update but I might, idk. Anyway, bye guys!