
Can I just say. Why does every story has to involve a crop top? Every X reader or whatever I read has a crop top now. Do people just not wear normal shirts anymore? I hate crop tops and just seeing it in every story I read just ruins the whole thing for me because I just have that image of it in my head. Why can’t people just say a normal ass shirt instead of crop top everywhere I SEE!? I’ll never see how crop tops are cute. I just won’t. 


Can I just say. Why does every story has to involve a crop top? Every X reader or whatever I read has a crop top now. Do people just not wear normal shirts anymore? I hate crop tops and just seeing it in every story I read just ruins the whole thing for me because I just have that image of it in my head. Why can’t people just say a normal ass shirt instead of crop top everywhere I SEE!? I’ll never see how crop tops are cute. I just won’t. 


Your profile picture is so cute! Kija is so precious. 


Oh!! Thank you!! I’ll have to look him up:)


            Hey Gija is a character from Yona of the Dawn I love him hands down and I also love Donnie. 


            May I ask who Kija is? 
            I thought your profile pic was Donnie? 