
It's been a year :0


I'll be gone for a while. I'm having a hard time motivating myself to write. I want to extend my thanks to everyone who added my book to their reading lists and continue to support me with their comments and votes. I just feel like my story is staying still, lately. I haven't been getting any new readers and I feel like there's no one left to write for anymore. I'm so sorry for the hitus and I miss you all so much.


tin nhắn này có thể mang tính công kích
...Okay, I'll be the first to say it.
          Wattpad's entire THING is based off it being a FREE reading site. Why do you think Radish has such low ratings?
           Sorry wattpad, but this is bullshit. @Wattpad


@RunHuaLi so my other msgs didn't send so I'll try again. Just go on Inkitt .com and make an account. It will show you from there
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this is so true oml its bs
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tin nhắn này có thể mang tính công kích
At first like damn I just wanted a review on my book then I saw the attitude you put in your shit like damn! That's cold and straight up funny af XD


Damn gurl!
          You just started wattpad like almost a month ago! And you have more followers than me, don't forget that you have more reads as well!
          Amazing accomplishment, oh and I can share some wilderness wid u ;)
          Great job and keep that dad's and bitchiness going!!!!! <3


@MissM_H Thank you! That's so sweet! What do you mean by wilderness though? and don't worry, I got that bitchiness flowing in me 
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So I'm sure anyone reading CB has noticed the tremendous improvement in the cover, and it's completely thanks to @CreativeDelinquents ! S/he's tagged in the description, but I want to ensure s/he gets the recognization they deserve! It's absolutely stunning!


@CreativeDelinquents you're completely welcome!! If anything I should be thanking you!
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@LivinOffThriftStores awww you're absolutely the kindest thank you! I'm so glad you liked the cover ^.^ (P.S. I'm a girl lol) but again thanks!!
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tin nhắn này có thể mang tính công kích
          So as you may or may not know; Crazy Bitch is part of a series called 'Highschool Scandals'! It's out on some other sites before I migrated to Wattpad, which is why a lot of curse words are censored, but now I have to delete some certain sites because of copyright reasons. If you see any of my stories on any other sites PLEASE NOTIFY ME!!! 
          Also, I'm currently working on books 2 & 3 of the 'Highschool Scandals' series! Samantha and Jenny's books will be coming up later! I think I might release Samantha's first, despite it being the 3rd book. You don't have to worry about reading them in order, you can if you want, but it won't be completely confusing if you don't.
          Samantha's story is called "Golden Smiles" and will be crossed with Crazy Bitch.
          Jenny's story will need a tad bit more work as she's a main character is both Crazy Bitch and her own story! meaning I'll need a lot of details for her story!


Quick update about Crazy Bitch:
          So I'm yet to instill a permanent updating schedule, so I'll instead just update one every week. Days vary.
          Also! I updated the cover! I finally found someone who could sort of match Genia's physical description!
          Thank you loves for 900 reads!!! I'm so grateful loves!!!