
What would y’all say if I told u I may have started writing a sequel to The Queen of Persia? 


Could there be more? How about Adam and Eve or Samson and Delilah? How about Jacob and Rachel? 


          I'm reading Queen of Persia right now and I'm almost finished. It's so good. I'm happy that it's told from the first-person point of view. I don't think there are any books based on Haddasah that do. I was just wondering if you know when your Bathsheba novel will be released and which biblical character you're thinking of writing about next?


The Gaze of a King is still a work in progress! But it is my hope to publish it one day. The possibilities are endless as far as other stories in the works. I was thinking of Rahab next or even possibly Ruth. 


If you would read my book and let me know what you think of the story so far I would be forever thankful! It has tense issues and other issues but it’s basically draft one. So I’m focused on story!