
Okay so I know probably no one will read this, with me being on hiatus  for about a year, but I'm copying over almost all my stories to Word docs and editing them (even the ones I took down) and if I like them I might re-publish them as super long one chapter stories. After that and once I finish Ellis Island I probably won't be writing anything on here or reading anything for that matter. I still might come and write and re-read some of my favorite stories if I'm feeling it but it might not be very often so I don't expect anyone to stick around for that.  So that's just my schedule for now, I'll let you know if anything changes. - Camryn <3


Okay so I know probably no one will read this, with me being on hiatus  for about a year, but I'm copying over almost all my stories to Word docs and editing them (even the ones I took down) and if I like them I might re-publish them as super long one chapter stories. After that and once I finish Ellis Island I probably won't be writing anything on here or reading anything for that matter. I still might come and write and re-read some of my favorite stories if I'm feeling it but it might not be very often so I don't expect anyone to stick around for that.  So that's just my schedule for now, I'll let you know if anything changes. - Camryn <3


Gomen nasi minna! I haven't been on in a while and you guys probably have noticed I got rid of a bunch of my stories, sorry.. I'm trying to start fresh again and don't worry I haven't deleted them, only unpublished them. If you were in the middle of reading one when it came down let me know through PM where you stopped and I can send you the chapters that you missed. I'm going to be focusing on more serious types of books now, you might have noticed that the two I have running now are both serious religious and historical books. I've been working on Ellis Island and want to finish it before I go head first into When World's End.  
          Until then my Slayers,


Haven't written anything really productive since like November so please forgive me for that, my bad.... Kinda hit a low point in life again, seems to happen every year around April, maybe it's just that my life reflects that of the main characters in Your Lie in April. Idk, but anyway! I'll try and be productive soon, have like the next 5 chapters, the climax, and the ending for Ellis Island, just have to type them up and add filler chapters. 
          See you soon my Slayers,


Konichiwa minna! I'm sorry if it seems I haven't updated in a while but I can't blame it on school or anything, more so that my life has been quite hectic lately. I just got a new 2 in 1 laptop so I should be able to write a tad more but the reason I haven't been able to write is the fact that I am moving to a new house a few miles away so I've been busy packing and planning renovations. These next few months will be slow on updates since I have exams and school problems as well as moving problems therefore I wish to ask something of you: Please don't fret I'm alright and I will update soon! I have loads of plans for Ellis Island so I've got a few chapters planned from here on out and I hope you fancy them as must as I do. Kisses <3