
Jeez, it really has been a SOLID while, since I last posted any new chapter.. I know that, believe me. And, I also know, that I keep apologizing for the lack of time, but there really has been a few changes in my life, that has just completely cut me off from having time to write, which is, what I dearly love. Will try to deliver the next chapter the next week - I really will.. Have written the beginning, and now will have to find time to finish the rest ! :I Sorry again, and thank you for everything.. Merry Christmas everyone ! <3 Hope tomorrow's day will be far better than mine, as I always feel as a third-wheel on these types of gatherings..


Jeez, it really has been a SOLID while, since I last posted any new chapter.. I know that, believe me. And, I also know, that I keep apologizing for the lack of time, but there really has been a few changes in my life, that has just completely cut me off from having time to write, which is, what I dearly love. Will try to deliver the next chapter the next week - I really will.. Have written the beginning, and now will have to find time to finish the rest ! :I Sorry again, and thank you for everything.. Merry Christmas everyone ! <3 Hope tomorrow's day will be far better than mine, as I always feel as a third-wheel on these types of gatherings..


I am SOOO incredibly sorry for the radio silence, everyone.. But, my life has been recently having its ups, and downs, and sadly, the reality needs me more - meaning I barely find time to do anything fun, including writing. That's why, the newest chapter of "Trechearous Affection" hasn't been posted, nor written yet.. However, you have my word, that I'll try my best to find the time in life to write, and deliver you some good stories ! :( Thank you all for still visiting this profile, and hopefully enjoying my stories.. Take care everyone, stay safe, and I bid you all an easier, and simplier life than mine (as for now) <3 Just had to focus on important, and more important things - turns out, my daily life, and school problems require my full attention much more, than writing does, BUT.. I will try to somehow find time ! :D Thank you again, and sorry..


Hi guys.. :( I am so incredibly sorry that the newest chapter did not appear by the end of the other week, but.. So many things dropped on my head by the end of it, that I thought I was over ;-; But, thankfully, things are slowly starting to resolve themselves, so I hope you'll forgive me for the long delay, and this time, I truly will deliver you the next chapter by the end of the week. Sadly, this one, but believe, I had no choice in that matter, nor opinion. Thank you all for all the views, and if still, sticking by. Take care everyone, and avoid the cold temperatures ! :D Be careful <3 Thanks for everything


Heyyy, just wanted to quickly inform you, that the newest chapter of "Trechearous Affection" will appear sometime by the end of this week, due to the exams, test, and competitions, that are ahead of me.. I just simply don't have the time as for now to write, so yeah - a quick break !! Sorry for that, but the next 2 weeks will be of terror for me :( Thank you all for your never-ending support! Take care, and I hope your days are going by well - better than mine, at least. P.S. Has it snowed for you yet ? :D For me, it did !! Excited, and terrified, at the same time..


Oh my gosh, I am so incredibly sorry for the two week absence of my person, but I just have been so busy with the trip I was on, and getting back to my normal, grey life, that I just had no time, nor energy, or motivation to write, so I'm very sorry for that !! But, I think I'm back now for real this time, for each week with a new chapter.. Ha, took me a while, right :) Anyways, sorry again for the massive delay, and no new info about me, but I just had no energy whatsoever to even exist at one point. But, in order to make it up for you, I have just published the newest chapter of "Trechearous Affection", that is VERY long, for my own eye, which I hope you'll get to enjoy ! :D Had tons of fun, writing it for you. Thank you all, as always, for your support - all the stars, and views.. Couldn't thank you enough. Take care everyone, stay safe, and make sure to never get into your laziness too much.. That really doesn't do you good.. Nor well. So, yeah ! See you all next week <3


Hey guys, just wanted to inform you all, that I've just posted the newest chapter of the "Trechearous Affection" - unfortunately it is a bit shorter, than the rest of the chapters, but because I'm going away for a while, and wanted to finish it off by today, I decided to post what I already have. But, don't worry.. The next chapter will be normally long :) Take care everyone, stay safe, and remember to smile a lot, even if days are not going how you want them to go :D


Hi everyone, just a quick update on the newest chapter of "Trechearous Affection" - due to my laziness, I did not get to finish it in time for the 7 days mark, however.. I'll try my best to fight it, and post it sometime by the end of this week. Sorry for the delay!! :(( And, also, wanted to inform you, that I'll be unavailable for a whole, next week, due to some urgent trips, so.. Yeah. Thank you all for sticking by me, and all the views, and stars, and attention you gave towards my works - I really appreciate it :D Take care everyone, stay safe, and I bid you all to not be as lazy, as I am.. Truly can make your life miserable!


Hey everyone, don't know if anybody is still reading this, ha.. Just wanted to quickly inform you, that the newest chapter of "Trechearous Affection" is offically out now :D So, I encourage you all to go, and read it.. :) Thank you guys for all the views, and stars, that my stories have received lately. I truly appreciate your support.. And, know, that I am very sorry for being 'radio silent', but for the past, couple of days, weeks even, life has been pretty hard. With the last year of school, some family drama, it's been tough for me to find time to write, and catch a break. But, know, that from now on, I will try to post the chapters weekly.. Even if delayed, I'll try to release them, so you could have something to read, while bored <3 Take care everyone, stay safe, and sorry again for not being here with you recently. I'll try to get a hold of my life from now on (if it's possible, of course D;).. Love you all - enjoy your week, and I hope none of you is experiencing a tough period in their lives.. One is enough, I think!! :)


Hi guys - first of all, I sincerely apologise for my absence, but there has been so much going on in my life, that I just had no time to write, nor publish anything. So, sorry again for that.. But, I am happy to announce, that after 2 whole weeks, the new chapter of "Trechearous Affection" is finally here!! :D And, it's a bit longer, than the rest, so I really hope you'll enjoy it! Thank you for all your support, all the views, and stars - I appreciate all of them. Take care everyone, stay safe, and remember to smile a lot, even in bad days :) See you all either sometime by the end of this week, or the beginning of the next.. I really hope I'll make the deadline this time ;-; Well, guess we'll have to see! Bye guys, enjoy your weekend <3


Hey everyone.. Just wanted to quickly update you about the date of the next upload. Well, due to me running pretty late with the school work, since it's the last year, I haven't got much time to write, nor even start the newest chapter of "Trechearous Affection", so it probably will appear sometime by the end of this week. Sorry for this inconvenience, but I just had no idea it would go this way.. Love you all, and thanks for your never-ending support! Take care everyone, and stay safe out there :)