
I would be honored to receive your ideas, you are very good at writing! send them when you get a chance! will reply when I can! NO GUARANTEES ON RESPONSE TIMING!


send away! So far you have done as I have and provided a rich backstory! I look forward to the rest of the notes and reading the story!


Apologies, the word limit is a pain, but to ask. Are they any further suggestions, questions, or concerns? If not, would you like to hear about the second story?


I'm glad you took the time to respond, so to make this easier to understand, provide some context and to get a clear picture.
            Simba: Before the removement of the pervious government, the country was a Monarchy. Now a military junta, with a marshal who declared himself as "Emperor of the Pantheras", by his own words, "The will of the Panthera." He and his regime wants to create a unified ethnostate. This of course followed imprisonment, killings, and kidnappings of political opponents.
            The Federation: A political union of states. One of the poorest, politically corrupt country until a period of steady economic development later in the decade. No exception to the first, its government is under a one-party state.
            To provide more context, this has been simmering for several years between the two, with many disagreements; however, the circumstances surrounding such aren't clear, only to say that if it wasn't along ideological or racial differences, the border was to blame. Incidents, clashes, incursions, and funding of groups opposing both sides had been the norm since the late 60s and continued into the 70s. If it hadn't been for intervention from higher powers and diplomacy from an unspecified neighbor from the east, things could've gotten hot in ‘72 for an unsuccessful coup and an attempted assassination on Simba's leader. A truce was reached, and fighting ceased, but tensions remained high. Six years later, as retaliation, they embracing irregular warfare, the formation of commandos trained to infiltrate the country, hoping to incite the anthros in the  south-eastern regions to an insurgency. And others, bombing infrastructure, targeted VIPs, and so on. Now, the famous "State House Raid" was an attempt by Simba's specialized unit to either kill President on his birthday, a more symbolic operation to ensure political turmoil and a call to rise up, but it failed. The following day, war was declared. To add, yes there were other countries involved on both sides.


May I bounce a question off you? Is Sunflowers being petted by Jack believable? I think so because she makes guidelines known, reasons for not doing so, etc.


The pups were left by their mom outside the bunker door. She followed Sunflower and didn't want her pups to grow up in psycho pack. Does this answer your questions?


Small arms weapons such as rifles ,pistols, shotguns, mgs, sub mgs and  rpgs


A challenge to you sir, I want you to read all my other stories and blast them wide open or praise them as you see fit, note I cant change what I have published but I can adjust how the future goes. If you are not up to it, I will hold no ill will. Thanks in advance-REDALPHAWOLF1


I would like to bounce ideas off you if that's okay. Head over to my home page and I will talk to you when I can.


@RedAlphaWolf1 No problems, hope you do well!


just thought it over, I am going to use what I can! thank you for the help!! A TOAST TO YOU SIR!!!


Sorry for the spamming! I can change library to school easy enough because this is just a draft idea for my new chapter.