
Hey guys!
          	Sorry for being hella inactive. I had some tough time with school, and really wanted to pass this year, which I did!
          	Now that I have summer vacation, I hope to have some more time to edit my already written books, try to finalize and publish a poem/book that me and and @Kodbro have made. (Check her stuff out its pretty good)
          	Finally; I hope that by the end of the summer I have written enough so that I can post my original book. This one is going to be big and will have a lot of work required to make this, but I'll see. In Any case, I'll be uploading the prologue by the end of the summer vacation. If I haven't done that yet by the end of the summer vacation, just PM me and I'll post it ASAP.
          	That's all for now, see you guys around!


@LordOfAutumn Yes. I do. :) Thank you 


@Kodbro Don't sweat it, you are more active and write some nice books, you deserve a shout-out. (Also ngl I think you still have the link to what I've been writing so you can see most of my progress)


@LordOfAutumn Oh. That's awesome! I can't wait to what you have written. I will definitely read your upcoming works. And well done for passing the school year! I know it's tough :) :) And thank you for the small shout out 


@LordOfAutumn Hi can I translate to the Spanish your two fanfics? I will give you all the credit


@Cornamenta-Lunatico A mix between still wanting to rewrite the story properly, no string or whatever attached, which would be if someone was to translate it, and honestly, I just don't feel comfortable with someone else having my stories on their account, regardless if I get credit or not. Hope this clears a bit up.


@LordOfAutumn I don’t want to sound aggressive  or something like that, but if I can ask, why?


@Cornamenta-Lunatico Thanks for the offer, but I would prefer if you wouldn't do it.


Hey guys!
          Sorry for being hella inactive. I had some tough time with school, and really wanted to pass this year, which I did!
          Now that I have summer vacation, I hope to have some more time to edit my already written books, try to finalize and publish a poem/book that me and and @Kodbro have made. (Check her stuff out its pretty good)
          Finally; I hope that by the end of the summer I have written enough so that I can post my original book. This one is going to be big and will have a lot of work required to make this, but I'll see. In Any case, I'll be uploading the prologue by the end of the summer vacation. If I haven't done that yet by the end of the summer vacation, just PM me and I'll post it ASAP.
          That's all for now, see you guys around!


@LordOfAutumn Yes. I do. :) Thank you 


@Kodbro Don't sweat it, you are more active and write some nice books, you deserve a shout-out. (Also ngl I think you still have the link to what I've been writing so you can see most of my progress)


@LordOfAutumn Oh. That's awesome! I can't wait to what you have written. I will definitely read your upcoming works. And well done for passing the school year! I know it's tough :) :) And thank you for the small shout out 


 I totally dig your bio! And thanks so much for joining Rune and his crazy new life by reading my story! I hope you're enjoying it so far! Please let me know if there is anything you would like to see happen or anything you just don't like or even better, anything you really enjoy! 


When you don’t even have 300 followers, but somebody uses your story to advertise their story, and your just like: "boi."


He did it a third time.


@LordOfAutumn Yeah no. I wouldn't like that if that happened in my books. You're right. It is common sense. They should know. Let's just hope they realise 


@Kodbro yea, just hope he/she got the message that I’m not allowing that. it’s kind of common sense tbh, would you want people advertising in your books? probably not, so don’t do it. but yea, I’m just gonna have to live with it.


          ❤Once you get this award, you're supposed to post or pass it on a wall of eight people who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it's nice to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out❤