
Hey, so I know I haven’t been very active lately but, I want to know what you guys want me to write. I may do a one shot book but I’d need to have enough requests to get that going in full motion. I can do a vikklan book or one with random characters, please let me know what you would like to see so I can make that a reality.


Hey, so I know I haven’t been very active lately but, I want to know what you guys want me to write. I may do a one shot book but I’d need to have enough requests to get that going in full motion. I can do a vikklan book or one with random characters, please let me know what you would like to see so I can make that a reality.


Thank you to @SpicyKiwiWrites for choosing my oneshot for the finalists and thank you to everyone who voted for it to win.
          We got first place and I cannot express how happy I am.
          I've come so far from starting with bad writing to now and I thank everyone who was there for it.
          I'm working on a new story at the moment as well so you can look forward to that. 
          Again thank you to everyone! 
          I love you all. 


Finally peace is restored to the land of the Panda Realm and the Pandas can now eat the delicious pancakes they once enjoyed. 
          I thank you, as their Panda Lord, for accepting our peace offering, of Bamboo Sticks, and restoring the everlasting love between the Pandas and Pancakes. 
          It's okay. I'm weird too. >.<


Hey guys.. I haven't been updating my book Water Vs. Fire because it seems like no one is reading it and there is no point. If you like the book and want me to keep updating it please let me know.. I will probably be doing another book too.. Bye 


@PandaFace0519 You should keep writing your book


Kyaa, this what you don't understand. It doesn't matter if people like your book, it matters if you like it! My book didn't hit even 1k till a like a year or two later and it was always doing worse then Hannah's book but I really liked it and that all that matters. If you like your book, keep writing it