
Thanks for following! But if ya don't mind me asking. What made you end up following me? Just curious is all.


But don't worry since you're helping me I'll try to help you throwing in some of my advice and your works


@CaseDescarazo thanks as you could probably say no my three works none of them has made it over 5 and I created one today I'm still trying to decide how the master of the shrine chapter 2 supposed to go see I'm trying to create like a harem the male OC but in the Harem I'm not going to try to have all female Pokemon and probably have probably too for 3 be male like Victini or Menifee or probably one of the emotion Trio it's kind of hard to side


@LordVivon I'm down to help however I can. Though I am still a novice writer so my opinions and advice should be taken with a massive amount of salt.