
Hello everyone, I have posted the prollouge of a new story I will be doing called The Nightsister. It is about Palatine taking on a Nightsister as a apprentice to potentially get rid of Vader.


 Sounds good i would like to see you write a story with the star wars ship aayla secrua and Anakin skywalker but you dont have to do it if you dont want too


Hello everyone, I have posted the prollouge of a new story I will be doing called The Nightsister. It is about Palatine taking on a Nightsister as a apprentice to potentially get rid of Vader.


 Sounds good i would like to see you write a story with the star wars ship aayla secrua and Anakin skywalker but you dont have to do it if you dont want too


Hi, Shane. Thanks for following me. I love Star Wars. :) What kind of books do you like to read?


Hi, thanks for following me! I love your stories, and all your work! I’m a big fan. Umm I really like Darth Plageius, and all of the Old Republic books. And the book of the Sith. I think it’s pretty cool.


Hey guys, so I will be posting another topic book, since you all really enjoyed my 'Topic: Ahsoka Tano' book. My question for all of you is what do you want the next topic to de about? Let me know by messaging me! Thank You!


@Shane_dat_same maybe about the logistics of the force? I don't know a ton about star wars but I love the original movies.


Hey, so I'm going to start  a new type of writing. I call it Topics, and it's not a story, but what I think on certain things. All will be Star Wars. And another new type of writing for me will be Help. I'll give you help on writing and some tips and tricks. Well stay tuned, and enjoy! 


Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting much, I'll get to that. I've decided to rewrite Ayla Rohm. And possibly start two new books. The first being, man and machine, a story about Darth Vader. The second being, Wrek-47  a story about a force wielding droid. Stay tuned and enjoy! Thanks!