
Revenge of the 5th today!
          	[Star Wars nerd here XP]


Hello all you crazy and wonderful Wattpaders.
          I have news!!
          Since I'm nearing my B-Tech at college [in the UK, it's different to University] some time in June. I will be overloaded with school work [for no odd reason, they decided to throw three assignments and preparing for a exam at my class this week]. And if I want to write or post new chapters on top of *THAT*, then I'll die. 
          So all news chapters of my lovely stories will be sadly posted in the summer holidays. Except, the new story; The Peacemakers: A Star Wars story. The first 2 chapters will be still posted on May the 4th [those chapters are done and can't to be read].
          I hope all that have exams and are also finishing the course in university, GCSEs and more, that you get through them with very little stress.
          Love from; Honey Grace


Happy, happy, happy Easter, young and old.
          Today, my Lord Jesus has risen from the tomb, death has been defeated, and we, as his children, can run to him in love and grace. 
          (John 3:16)
          And if you are not a believer, have a wonderful day of chocolates eggs and sweets.


It's really hard to be a Christian in the modern day and age. Social media, TV shows and movies, school work, jobs, and etc.
          For me it's my creativity. I know, it's an amazing gift from the Lord God, yet I haven't always used to bring glory to God. I've been writing stories to gain a little bit of glory for myself, I've thought of not nice things for my stories and it's haunted me. The music I've listen to inspire is by people who aren't Christian themselves and that goes with TV shows and movies as well.
          (What I'm talking about isn't any thing to do with horror nor very heavy metal and all that stuff. Those things give me nightmares and make me very uncomfortable).