
Hey all! Just got back from a short vacay so, to make up for my brief absence, I just posted 2, count em, TWO chapters of Love On The Beat! Enjoy! 


          Chapter 1 of my Adam-12 story is OFFICIALLY posted!!! If you like that show, please R&R! If you know anyone else who is an Adam-12 fan, please share it with them. I currently have 10+ chapters written/drafted and will try to be posting regularly.
          Also, I am working on another Monkees oneshot. This one will be Davy x Reader.
          Thanks so much!


Hi All!!! I cannot believe how long it's been since I got on here! I'm so sorry about seeming dead lol...my life has been crazy and I got on a kick of a couple other fandoms (never stopped the Monkees but they took the back burner for a while) But nevertheless, I'm back, I'm going to try to stay updated...and I'm going to be putting on some new content and possibly a new story (Adam-12 story, sorry fellow Monkees) Hope some of you still remember me...if not ... I wouldn't be upset lol 


Also I've graduated, started a 2 jobs, and been saving up for a car...so... hopefully you can forgive me for my absence...I really feel bad...