
 Hey! Another update. I am slowly recovering from some of the mental problems, well atleast the ones I am capable of recovering of by myself. As for the physical problems; I am getting migraine medication yay! Most problems will still be present but I'll be able to write more with the migraines gone. :) Thank you for the patience!


 Hey! Another update. I am slowly recovering from some of the mental problems, well atleast the ones I am capable of recovering of by myself. As for the physical problems; I am getting migraine medication yay! Most problems will still be present but I'll be able to write more with the migraines gone. :) Thank you for the patience!


Hey guys! Another update, I am not doing well both mentally and physically. I will (hopefully soon) have a therapist, and be prescribed some medication for some of the physical health problems. I'll try to update more since the testing and all is done!:)


Hi so there has been some family problems and finals are right around the corner, all of this had been feeding into my own physical and mental health more than expected. I'm really sorry if some updates are delayed, it is now out of my control due to everything being how it is.


Help I am forgetting stuff that just happened. My memory is sky rocketing in the wrong way.  (I'm making one too many jokes it is insanely difficult for me to not say something absolutely out-of-pocket in a serious situation.)