
Hi! I just started a new fantasy series (The Eighth Gate) and would love to get some feedback! Please check it out if you have a chance, would love to hear thoughts from my favorite people!


Hi! I just started a new fantasy series (The Eighth Gate) and would love to get some feedback! Please check it out if you have a chance, would love to hear thoughts from my favorite people!


If you guys haven’t yet, READ THE DARK PRINCE SERIES! Holyyy it’s been a day since I’ve finished reading it and I STILL CANNOT GET OVER IT AHHH! It is hands down one of the best fics I have ever read. I literally couldn’t stop reading. For days straight I binge read the Dark Prince series it’s literally the best. It deserves more recognition it’s GOD SENT FROM HEAVEN!


@hamletncheese Thank you so much, you made my day :)


I desperately need the ending to Sealed Kingdom because I am addicted and I am dying so PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME I BEG OF THEE


Hey there! I  just wanted to say I love your amazing stories especially your Harry Potter Fanfics and was curious about what the status is in regards to the final chapter of TSK the Dark Prince series is honestly one of if not the best series of fanfics that I have read and that  is saying something because tbh I have read a ton of them lol


Is sealed kingdom discontinued???


No! I am just in the middle of traveling for work so I don’t have much free time. I am giving myself a deadline of the end of April to update and wrap up this story! It’s been kind of hard trying to decide what to include and leave out and stuff :/ 