
E look at the last msg


          -Ghost T


          //So on my main profile i have a smol tjing asking if i should post a bookie i been le workin on when i finish the first chapter, y'all should check that out if you've actually read my writing (btw i have a whole new writing style heeeeeeeeeeh)  so go do that if you'd like. You don't have to but yeah\\
          **acc name is @Dear_kittyboy_ if you didn't know**


Waka waka, i'm GAY
          jk idk what i am


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          I'd just like to remind everyone that rape is not a joke. 
          @asmexyboi15 just threatened to rape me as a "joke" and even when i said stop he wouldn't. Yes, i'll admit i did go off on him and i'm still in panic mode. But that is because THEY KNOW I WAS RAPED! I told them! And like, my friends are all freaking out, so am i. Today has been shit and there are very few things keeping me from stabbing myself again. Let's just say this kid is lucky i do not report him/her to the police! I have been raped by MULTIPLE people and raised in an abusive home so take it fromme. Don't joke about things like that. EVER. Even if the other person is fine with it. It is never okay. It's taking everything out of me not to end my life right now because my ptsd, anxiety, depression, everything is strung up HIGH! but because i know i have people who care i'm keeping my bloodshed to a minimum. Don't harass them anymore. Me and some close friends tried talking sense but he/she just said "grow up" or "oh sorry" or things that p'much just said 'i don't really care that you are crying even though you are the type who didn't even cry when you buried the woman who raised you.'
          One thing that i didn't mention in the original text, the have a boyfriend and as do i. They tried to talk me into being friends with benefits. I declined, they kept fuching it, i kept saying no, they made this "joke"


@ASmexyBoi15 oh and i've attempted suicide, need i proove that too?


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@ASmexyBoi15 none of us said to kill yourself. Also this is beyond rude, you don't think my boy shows me this shit?!


@ASmexyBoi15 and at least i'm not so rude that i'd attack somebody for their dysphoria. And at least i do not tell people to grow up when they point out something i did wrong. And at least i'm not using "gay" as an insult, because it is a compliment dear.